When the Times Square Ball Drops Tonight It’s Going To Splash Into the Sea Water That is Covering Manhattan Island – IOTW Report

When the Times Square Ball Drops Tonight It’s Going To Splash Into the Sea Water That is Covering Manhattan Island

I have a progtard brother who has a progtard son that thinks of James Hansen as a God. There was a time when this high school aged know-nothing would come over to the house with Global Warming© literature like he was recruiting people to become Scientologists.

And that’s what we should call James Hansen, the NASA dipchit alarmist who is largely responsible for spawning these walking brain-dead, a Scientologist. He certainly isn’t a scientist.

Without a hint of embarrassment, this idiot hasn’t cloistered away in shame after declaring that Manhattan would be underwater by 2018.

He has a few hours to be right.

(Shouldn’t he be the one in jail, and not the climate deniers?)


ht/ wisco dave


23 Comments on When the Times Square Ball Drops Tonight It’s Going To Splash Into the Sea Water That is Covering Manhattan Island

  1. Without a hint of embarrassment, this idiot hasn’t cloistered away in shame after declaring that Manhattan would be underwater by 2018.

    Maybe the progtards will credit Obama for buying some time.

  2. @tctsunami

    Out of curiosity I followed your link. OMG. Read the satire, I mean article, then saw the glamour photo of the author, then even read some comments.

    Question: Are these people for REAL? I thought my stash of ammo was more than sufficient, but I can see I need more.
    Question #2: Is SQUISHING a scientific term.
    Question 3: Why are you hanging out at those websites? I have the name of a doctor(bartender) that could could help you.

  3. From tctsunami’s article:
    “They found that the increased total ocean load from these largely human-driven changes caused the ocean floor to sink, on average, by about 0.1 mm/year between 1993-2014, or 2.1 mm over the entire period.”
    A millimeter is about the thickness of your thumbnail. The earth is 7,926 miles (12,756 km)in diameter. How are they going to measure any change to the surface of the ocean floor down to a fraction of a millimeter?
    These people are SO full of shit!

  4. Luckily I don’t know any liberals but if someone tried to explain global warming to me I would tell them my IQ is over 80 and I don’t speak or understand ‘retard’

  5. False prophets, charlatans, liars, prestidigitators, legerdemaines, wizards, ouija boarders, fortune tellers, bullshitters, con-men, grifters – whatever you want to call them

    the first rule is: never apologize
    the second is: never explain
    the third is: never give back the money
    the fourth is: when caught, blame it on your previous “successes” and divert attention.

    Lie, prevaricate, dissimulate, equivocate, exaggerate – then, if necessary – make up some stupid shit that only an imbecile would believe and posit as “The Truth.”

    This works for politicians, as well as pseudo-scientists.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. @I’m not PC January 1, 2018 at 3:04 am

    > I would tell them my IQ is over 80 and I don’t speak or understand ‘retard’

    Never speak truth to power. You will only make it angry. Oh, and violent.

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