When You’re So Deluded By a Society Too Afraid To Say You’re Wrong, You Get THIS—> – IOTW Report

When You’re So Deluded By a Society Too Afraid To Say You’re Wrong, You Get THIS—>

Hormone therapy does not change your biology. Hormone therapy can have an impact on SECONDARY sex characteristics.

A secondary sex characteristic is a physical characteristic of an organism that is related to or derived from its sex, but not directly part of its reproductive system.

A scalpel cannot turn you into a man any more than a landmine can turn a man into a woman.

26 Comments on When You’re So Deluded By a Society Too Afraid To Say You’re Wrong, You Get THIS—>

  1. These people need mental help, not physical. I think this has become a ridiculous self destructive fad. And a badge of accomplishment for your average libtard parents. And sadly it seems to be growing. We have several at my gym. All young people. And from what I see mainly male to female. On Saturday there was a smoking hot young lady in there and for a moment she was standing next to the 17 or 18 year old ex male. The dudes got cousin it hair and fake tits. I asked one of my pals, gee which one are you taking home. Hilarity ensued.

  2. Unfortunately, mental issues can strike any family. My son, 29, has decided he’s a female.
    He was raised in a conservative, small town, practicing Catholic. He never demonstrated any feminine traits or fabulousness at all. He has been on anti-depressants for many years and also seems to be drawn to needy, narcissistic women who maybe f’d him up.
    I love him, he is smart, sweet, funny, and hard working but his mind is messed up.
    We are against his delusions but he knows we love him.
    All of you prayerful IOTWers that are inclined to lift him to his Creator for clarity, healing and mercy, I’d appreciate it

  3. I understand her. I took my Porsche in for service and insisted to the mechanic that it was now a Buick. Buick’s are a bit cheaper to work on and the parts are more available. The SOB told me it was still a Porsche and he wouldn’t honor my perfectly reasonable demand. Sheesh! The nerve of some people!

  4. Quit taking the hormones and see what you revert back to. Because you’re still the same sex regardless of what you do dummy. I hope your suffering is long lived. Stupid should hurt.

  5. has no one done a comprehensive study on the personality types and incidence of mental illness among those identify as Democrat?

    honestly couldn’t make it through 15 seconds of her lunatic raving. I did try.

  6. You are a female who has surgically mutilated her body. You are a female taking testosterone and probably other drugs to alter your body chemistry. None of that matters because you are a female–so says EVERY XX cell in your tortured body. Good on the doctor for refusing to play your stupid games.

  7. erb

    My heart goes out buddy. Obviously there are legitimate cases of people coming into this world that don’t meet societal norms. I know there are people born gay. It’s the the ones that climb on that train for notoriety. In the long run probably born much weaker mentally than your son. Every parent wants nothing but happiness for their kids. I pray he finds happiness.

  8. @erb

    Isa 9:6
    6 For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; And the government will rest on His shoulders; And His name will be called WONDERFUL COUNSELOR, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.

    Heavenly Father, In Jesus’ Name I pray for erb’s son. I ask that You heal his heart and his mind. I pray that You deliver him from this spirit of chaos that is controlling his mind and heart. Lord set him free to worship You and to live for You. In Jesus’ Name I pray.

    To the spirit of chaos, I rebuke you in Jesus’ name and I command you to depart erb’s son’s life and thinking and never return. In Jesus’ name I pray. Let it be so.


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