Whenever You Insert You Should Give It a Yank First – IOTW Report

Whenever You Insert You Should Give It a Yank First

That’s our PSA for today —–>  See HERE

(It’s about credit card skimmers designed to rob you.)

ht/ Bad Brad

17 Comments on Whenever You Insert You Should Give It a Yank First

  1. I jabbed my card into a pump the other day in N. Wisco and it wouldn’t fit. So I tried again a couple more times and it went through. Thought it was odd and the first thing that came to my mind was a skimmer, so I’ve already been on alert.

  2. Please. I don’t get it. Could some one ‘splain it to me. I see a hand removing a gadget. I get my gas in New Jersey and hand my card to an attendant. I’ve never had a problem.

  3. We passed through South Dakota one day last year and stopped at a gas station with a mini store attached. Bought a couple of things and left. 1500 miles and 3 months later, we get a call from Visa asking if we were just in SD using our card. We said no and had to get a new card and new pin number. I’ve been wondering ever since how in the world it happened. Maybe this is how.

  4. We’ve had a rash of that shit out here
    in the islands. It has ALL been chinese
    tourists to date that were caught. They’ve
    also been catching them on buying trips
    with literally STACKs of credit cards to
    purchase high value items.

  5. @Moe Tom: Clerks can skim as well. You’ve been lucky. Handing a card to a clerk is guarantee. I take that back, it is a guarantee if you’re handing it to an honest clerk.

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