Where Did Hunter Biden Get Government Documents From? – IOTW Report

Where Did Hunter Biden Get Government Documents From?

The big guy?

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5 Comments on Where Did Hunter Biden Get Government Documents From?

  1. Hunter probably got it off Hillary’s shithouse server.
    You can be certain that the Retarded Pedophile had access, just as Obola and any foreign agencies which donated to the Clinton Foundation did. Remember that Obola gave her the green light (I believe it was about 5 months) before she set up that particular clandestine treason.

    The Retarded Pedophile used the drugged-out Hunter as his cat’s paw in his corruption and money-laundering schemes.

    The sad part is that the traitorous maggots in the CIA, NSA, DOJ, and FBI had full knowledge (and thus, consent) of all these treasonous, as well as criminal, acts (and probably the IRS and whoever monitors international monetary transactions).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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