Where Do They Go From Here? – IOTW Report

Where Do They Go From Here?

As congress begins summer recess, members of the house can hope they’re allowed some quiet time to contemplation of further pursuing impeachment. The always politically astute Speaker Nancy Pelosi knows it’s a loser but the faithful, who have been fed a steady stream of poison from the MSM for years, believe in it with all their vile little hearts. 

According to Byron York, democrat members of congress can expect to get an earful from their constituents over their break. Enough so that perhaps when they return from their break they’ll take the plunge off the impeachment cliff like a lemming.   More

16 Comments on Where Do They Go From Here?

  1. Calls for civil disobedience which they know will lead to violence and riots. The media will let them blame Trump.

    I don’t see what possible card they have left to play.

  2. They voted on impeachment last week, right? 332-95 to table it. The Mueller show isn’t going to advance that any more. Basically it’s up to Pelosi whether to continue to spout rhetoric while doing no legislation or to spout rhetoric and actually legislate.
    Regardless, Trump will continue to do what he can and the Senate will continue confirmation hearings. And then on November 3, 2020 we will get the House back and can actually legislate again.

  3. “The always politically astute Speaker Nancy Pelosi knows it’s a loser … ”

    Impeachment itself may be a loser but it will help fire up hatred for trump and get their base into the voting booths and get the more enthusiastic among them (i.e. Antifa) out into the streets and give even more energy to them next year.

  4. One thing quite apparent; they’re not going to do anything that supports the betterment of America.
    AND, if they’re not going to do that, it’s best they don’t do ANYTHING.

  5. If they don’t die by running, Claudia, the 20 mile walk might do them good. For protection, they could wear signs around their necks that say “Democrat Congress(man/woman). Hands up! Don’t shoot!” The Area-51 guards will see that and say, “Hey, I know those people! FIRE!” Then, there be a lot of floppin’ and twitchin’ in the dirt.

  6. The “Leading Lights” of the nihilist/socialist movement (Obola, Clinton, &c.) are soon to be implicated in a conspiracy to commit Treason (assuming Barr does what he’s paid to do) through a failed hoax.

    “The best defense is a good offense.” So, beyond all reason, the Demonrats will pursue their foolishness, if only to obscure matters for the more … uhh … shall we say … retrograde intelligences of the viewing public?

    In WWII (it’s actually the same now) the distance from Rabaul to Guadalcanal was ~660 miles, while the distance from Guadalcanal to Hawaii was ~3,600 miles. But the Japs couldn’t hold Guadalcanal. It (apparently) didn’t dawn on the Japs that they held the losing cards. Likewise, the Demonrats have lost in their own House, but they still believe that they can pull a rabbit out of their hat. They are insisting on playing out the hand.

    “Play something tragic, Ton Ton.”

    izlamo delenda est …


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