Where is the Media? – IOTW Report

Where is the Media?

I’m not sure when this took place, but Trey Gowdy’s words went unheeded by the media.

ht/ mm

19 Comments on Where is the Media?

  1. Blah, blah, blah, you had your chance to Bitch Slap the hoe but you gave her enough time to wipe her server and enough time to spin the media to make to look like a “witch hunt/vast right wing conspiracy”.

    Missed opportunities. When the Gibbons of the future is writing “the Fall of the U.S.A” there is no doubt Bill Clinton will be compared to Commodious. The Bengahize hearings will do down as a failed “Operation Valkyrie”. Either way if she wins the Republic is dead.

  2. Benghazi happened “a long time ago.”
    That speech by Gowdy was ” a long time ago.”
    But Trump said a dirty word last week. Let’s run with that.
    The media suck !!!

  3. I’ve got to say, Trey Gowdy is a typical, showboat, can’t let a sound bite go by, establishment politician. It doesn’t make any difference what party they come from, you can’t tell one from another. It’s way past time to get something done Gowdy.

  4. I can’t agree with the criticism of Tray Gowdy here. I believe he was given no help whatsoever from the RINOs in Congress. That is why Trump is where he is today and he’s getting no help either from the RINOs . That’s our problem: democrats running rampant and lying, while the RINOs cower
    A vote for Trump is a vote to end this shit. That’s my belief.

  5. For almost 8 years we’ve heard a lot of lip service but nothing, absolutely NOTHING gets done by the GOP even after voters resoundingly voted for them in 2010 and 2014 hence Donald J. Trump.

  6. Benghazi was a show trial that Gowdy knew going in he couldn’t really investigate but had to make it look good. The reason? Leaders in the House and Senate signed off of Zero Footprint – the plan to ship US arms and liberated Gadaffi arms through Benghazi to Syria via Turkey and have them paid for by Qatar and Saudi Arabia. McConnell, Boehner, Pelosi and Reid were all read in and agreed to it.

    ConservativeTreehouse did a great Benghazi Brief on this 2 years ago and everything uncovered – including the decision not to let a case against a scapegoat arms dealer go to trial – has been confirmed.

  7. It’s really hard for the MSM to be unbiased when they reside in the pants pocket of Obama and the corruption of liberal terrorists.

    Comply or Fosterization. What was ambassador Stevens about to expose?


    to make sure a MULTIPLE FELON properly is investigated and stands trial before running for high office?


    The people who are supposed to protect us from these things don’t care. Another giant advancement for a completely lawless society.

    Next time I’m on a jury, ANYTHING the FBI presents as evidence, I will duly THROW OUT, as they are corrupt and too lazy to prosecute equally under the law.

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