Where the Hell is Our Muscle in Berkeley? – IOTW Report

Where the Hell is Our Muscle in Berkeley?

We cannot allow these fruity, sunken-chested losers to beat up people.

ht/ all too much

33 Comments on Where the Hell is Our Muscle in Berkeley?

  1. Muscles frowned upon dude. Most here have participated. Steroids! Steroids! Steroids! Is the fucking light coming on yet? Been accused myself a bunch. Better take another look at that shit. Just sayen

  2. Bezerkly is a short walk from East Palo Alto. They used to have a theme park in East Palo Alto called Africa USA. Fucking hillariuos. They eventually moved, and I think that was why. rACIST. Probably where most these peaceful liberals came from.

  3. I’ll say it again-

    Fire hoses & German Shephards. Repeat as necessary.

    Everyone becomes a Nazi when you need an excuse to punch them.
    Time to time make sure your carry permit is up to date & you’ve got plenty of lead. The time is drawing near.

  4. Burn it down, I’ve been waiting for this since 1968. No Fed money to rebuild it. Be like the blacks living in their burned down hood. This is delicious.

  5. Berkeley is not a short walk from East Palo Alto and Marine World Africa Usa was in Redwood Shores and now in Vallejo, not called that anymore. EPA is about 50 minutes south and over a bridge. As soon as the cops come out and hurt the rioters they will be called facists. Need the Hells Angles to reprise their roll in the anti war riots in Oakland. Better then Altamont.

  6. What a irony rich environment! Who would believe you could get your enemies(and that’s exactly what they are) to shit in their own nest by rioting in protest of somebody voicing an opinion. Tomorrow they’ll claim their actions are protected by the 1st Amendment.

    This guy needs to schedule a speech in a sanctuary city every night of the week. Probably doesn’t even need to give one, just schedule them and go long on popcorn.

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