Where’s Terry? McAuliffe Skips Campaign Events As Poll Numbers Plummet – IOTW Report

Where’s Terry? McAuliffe Skips Campaign Events As Poll Numbers Plummet

Trending Politics: There are times in life when you made a decision, they after announcing it to the world, realized it was a terrible idea.

As a politician who is running for office again, who just caused his lead to evaporate overnight, showing up where voters can ask you what you were thinking, might not be a good idea.

Former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D), who is running for the job again, has fallen rapidly in the polls due to self-inflicted political wounds.

McAuliffe who has stumbled repeatedly on the topic of education — long considered a winning issue for Democrats — recently dismissed parents’ concerns about the teaching of critical race theory and other controversial topics to students grades K-12.

During a Sept. 28 debate, McAuliffe said, “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach” when asked to respond to complaints about sexually explicit books.

Following this and other political gaffs the polls flipped shocking the democratic establishment. more

13 Comments on Where’s Terry? McAuliffe Skips Campaign Events As Poll Numbers Plummet

  1. He’s visiting Obama to find out what he needs to do on his first day in office after a land slide win. Obama is telling him to go arrest everyone that was at school board meetings. Just like 1/6.


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