Which Is Worse, A Fire Tornado or a Mosquito Tornado? – IOTW Report

Which Is Worse, A Fire Tornado or a Mosquito Tornado?

A Fire tornado warning was issued for parts of California by the national weather service recently. Here

Mosquito tornados videoed in Russia this summer. Here

11 Comments on Which Is Worse, A Fire Tornado or a Mosquito Tornado?

  1. mosquitos kill more people every year than all man-made reasons combined … fires, not so much (water kills much more than fire)

    thank you, Rachel Carson, for all the mosquitos

  2. @@Μολων Λαβε:

    mosquitos kill more people every year than all man-made reasons combined…

    thank you, Rachel Carson, for all the mosquitos

    Indeed yes. In fact, seeing that it is man-made decisions that prevent eradication of mosquito-borne diseases such as malaria, that deaths caused by mosquitoes are also man-made.

  3. My nephew-in-law was working for CalFire with the Carr fire in Redding 2 years ago. He was laying water pipe behind an old guy on a bulldozer who was clearing the way. A fire tornado swept through and killed the guy on the bulldozer not far in front of my NIL. The old guy was the first fatality. I shudder to think that Mitch could have been gone that quick.


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