White Guy Cries Because a Black Criminal Might Think He’s Racist – IOTW Report

White Guy Cries Because a Black Criminal Might Think He’s Racist

People like this guy need to be culled from this country.

14 Comments on White Guy Cries Because a Black Criminal Might Think He’s Racist

  1. His wife should divorce him. How can she ever feel like he could or would protect her or the kids in the future? Pour him a glass of soy milk and tell him to pack his bags.

  2. Something similar like this happened in San Francisco. Two black dudes grabbed this white woman’s purse and as they were driving away in their getaway car they did not know that she was still holding on to it and they dragged her for over a mile and killed her. The family of the dead woman said that she was a social justice warrior and would not have wanted her assailants jailed.

    These people have all lost their minds, as sooner that we can separate ourselves from the insanity, the better.

  3. they are turning white men into cucks

    don’t think so? … just observe the millennial soy boys in your neighborhood. listen to their chatter in the local restaurants
    giggling, prancing, preening …. ‘Universe 25’ rat-boys

  4. “Uh, right. Uh, OK. Hey Bobby, bring Jamal back here. I’m gonna cuff ’em together. Put his gene pool bleach on the ground and let’s get the hell outta here. Apparently, we offended mister liberal with a man bun.”

  5. Saw it first over at the Feral Irishman and while I could be wrong as I often am, near the end another dude is coming up behind him and I suspect that guy is his wife. Yeah, I said I could be wrong, it’s obviously his husband.

    Was the KneeGrow offended by their amorous embrace in the park?

    But will this racist, homophobic comment go under moderation?

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