White House Holds Trans Day Of Remembrance For People Most Likely Killed By Friend, Family or Intimate Partner – IOTW Report

White House Holds Trans Day Of Remembrance For People Most Likely Killed By Friend, Family or Intimate Partner

Washington Times

The White House issued a statement on Saturday recognizing a day of remembrance for the transgender community, citing those who were killed in acts of violence.

President Biden called on state and local leaders to follow suit of his administration to advance policies that aid and protect LGBTQ people.

“Transgender people are some of the bravest Americans I know. But no person should have to be brave just to live in safety and dignity. Today, we remember. Tomorrow—and every day—we must continue to act,” Mr. Biden said in a statement. More

In reality, anywhere from 44 to 75% of transsexuals and nonconformist murdered in the last nine years were killed “by someone they knew.” More

20 Comments on White House Holds Trans Day Of Remembrance For People Most Likely Killed By Friend, Family or Intimate Partner

  1. The good that will come from all this is that the Left will have paraded their finest examples and leave Americans decided, in our dark little hearts, that we don’t want that. If the Lefties present race, gender and “identity” as the only measures, then we are free to reject their examples on that basis as well. It happened with Oblowme.

  2. “In reality, anywhere from 44 to 75% of transsexuals and nonconformist murdered in the last nine years were killed by someone they knew.” Does that mean that their friends and relatives have had enough of their shit, too?

  3. As they continue to try to drag us into their fantasies. There are no Transgender people only the the mentally ill with a dysphoria that are being catered to for nefarious purposes, inmates running the asylum as it were. The fact that they are dying at high rates shows the treatments are ineffective. It doesn’t help they fudge the numbers

  4. I would imagine there is a lot of dysfunction in these households with or without an individual with transexual tendencies. With dysfunction comes violence among those within the residence.

  5. As Reagan said, ‘You can’t legislate morality.’ Well you can’t legislate acceptance of things you just don’t subscribe to either.
    Although they will teach it to your kids in public schools if you aren’t vigilant.

  6. “Transgender people are some of the bravest Americans I know. But no person should have to be brave just to live in safety and dignity. Today, we remember. Tomorrow—and every day—we must continue to act,”

    Well, let us examine the dignity aspect of that statement. As you well know from previous posts, I am/have been friends with two transsexual individuals (one deceased) and those friendships go back decades. Our friendship developed out of mutual interest in mechanical engineering he/she was known as a nationally recognized expert on on small steam engines and the other a member of my gun club.

    Their “condition” never was brought up until about a decade ago when both brought up the fact that they felt exploited by progressive activists who were using their condition to advance their own political agenda and both were definitely not “feeling the love.”

    My understanding of what they objected to is that while they both lived as women, they just lived and interacted with the community at large and by and large no one made a big deal of it. The discrimination they encountered was more of a reluctance of some to accept them. One said that when I said: “You never impressed me as identifying as a woman, you impressed me as identifying as a human being. A rather eccentric human being in some aspects, but aren’t we all.” That left them thinking.

    They were both not themselves and both expressed how they just did not care to interact with the public ever since, in the words of one “weirdos began parading around Seattle in a string bikini or under garments, wearing a gold tiara and festooned with sex toys.” They both felt that this UNDIGNIFIED behavior had given the world the impression that they were nothing but attention seeking, or motivated by some out of control deviancy that demanded the public have it shoved in their face.

    Basically what they both expressed is that the co opting of their condition by progressive activists had robbed them of their dignity.

    Fuck Joe Biden and fuck the progressive horse he rode while the progressive movement was stealing the 2020 Election. May they both rot in hell. Neither have a modicum of consideration for anyone other than for what they can use them for to advance their own agenda.

  7. Had a coworker who was up for discipline for saying that in his view homosexual acts were filthy and disgusting. I was one of twenty who were interviewed who all had been told by the complaint in an unsolicited comment that he thought having sex with females was filthy and disgusting.

    Progs have no qualms whatsoever projecting their fuckeduppedness on others. I truly despise the fuckers.

  8. ‘But no person should have to be brave just to live in safety and dignity.”

    While I agree that mentally ill people shouldn’t be gunned down in the streets, nor be made permanent residents of the demonrat plantation, trans are people that actually try to mold reality to their fantasies and they have to mutilate their body to do so. Maybe it’s just me but I don’t see any dignity in that.

    I got news for the left. Special people don’t need special treatment but then I don’t consider LGTBG special or many others either. Don’t get me wrong, there are special people, Kyle Rittenhouse, Donald Trump, people like that. And Kyle and Donald have got special treatment. Big Brother’s “Two Minutes of Hate” 30 times an hour, 24hrs/day, every day but they didn’t need it and neither did the rest of us.

  9. No such thing as transgendered – so there’s nothing to remember.
    Just a bunch of prancin fags – and fags are, at the git-go, mentally ill.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

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