White House Staffers Try Quoting Founders as Last Refuge to Defend Their Scoundrel’s Speech – IOTW Report

White House Staffers Try Quoting Founders as Last Refuge to Defend Their Scoundrel’s Speech

Red State

How can you tell a White House is far too used to receiving glowing press coverage? You simply observe their response to even mild criticism of what was objectively a dark, norm-breaking speech.

As RedState reported, Joe Biden delivered perhaps the most grotesque “national address” in modern presidential history (and they didn’t have television before that), using the official capacity of his office to denigrate tens of millions of Americans as a threat to the republic. It was astonishing to witness, and so much so that even some leftwing media figures took note and offered mild criticisms of his remarks. More

9 Comments on White House Staffers Try Quoting Founders as Last Refuge to Defend Their Scoundrel’s Speech

  1. It’s hard for the legacy media to criticize the dumbell for saying things they agree with. And any faux outrage over the tone or the substance by any of the press lackeys is only offered as a dodge to illicit a modicum of objectivity which we all know they don’t possess.

  2. This WH and everyone in it are toddlers. Whiny little bitch babies crying and trashing around in hissy fits after they screw up every single thing they touch.

    In their infantile comic book love of “Dark Brandon” they thought they could give Aldolph Pedo McTwatmouth a dark and satanic backdrop with his Military props and scare America.

    Gonna take more than that. I’m surprised they didn’t have F35’s flyover and drop leaflets.

    Stupid shit talked into a dead Mic and had to be escorted away from the podium by his wet nurse wife. What a disgrace.

    The only terrifyingly thing is that there are actual true believers that think Pedo Hitler is the bees knees.

    When someone calls their bluff, its just toddler tantrums and
    snitty snot foot stomping.

  3. The Constitution doesn’t need to be re-written.
    The Constitution needs to be re-read!

    The problem is the whiny little bitch ass babies and toddlers are being taught Common-Core, CRT, Systemic Racism, meaningless pronouns and shit nobody’s ever heard of, so good luck getting that generation to comprehend English let alone Freedom!!

  4. Oh, so now they want to quote the people whom they’ve been calling racist and sexist for years. The slaveowners whose statues they’ve been toppling, and whose legacies they’ve been shitting on.

    Good luck with that, whining assholes. van’t have it both ways.

  5. You like Founder’s quotes?
    Try this one, dickheads:
    “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

  6. @ Cisco Kid SEPTEMBER 2, 2022 AT 4:52 PM

    What is also self evident is that anyone who supports this illegitimate regime fancies themselves in the same manner that dedicated Nazis fancied themselves


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