White Privilege Conference – IOTW Report

White Privilege Conference

Here are the highlights of the WPC in Philadelphia, as reported by The Daily Caller.

-the group leader of one section asked everybody in attendance to give their name and their “preferred gender pronouns”…But the “preferred” label irked one attendee. [They don’t] just prefer that gender, this is, like, their whole entire identity,” he said.

– attendees segregate themselves by race and talk through their feelings on white privilege… attendees received a warning to be careful while walking to their rooms. Why? With so many white people going in so many different ways all at once, organizers warned they could start physically exerting their white privilege by walking too aggressively and not paying heed to their surroundings… non-white attendees who would have no choice but to shy away and debase themselves before these barreling vectors of overwhelming privilege.

-One of Saturday’s keynote speakers was Frederick Gooding, Jr., who styles himself as “The Race Doctor.”

Gooding went after Hollywood for the recently-released film “Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice,” which features three Caucasian heroes in the form of Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman.

“I have a quota where it’s just a little too much whiteness, I gotta tap out,” the Doctor said to a laughing audience. “One white hero at a time, I can kinda take that, but you have two of them … but then, the White Man said, we gonna show you something. And they throw in a white woman!”
-“nation of immigrants” is an appalling term that simply highlights the exploitation and genocide of American Indians and the occupation of their land….one attendee objected to another’s use of the term “undocumented immigrant.”

“We do have documents,” she said. “They might not be recognized by the government, but we have documents.”

-A group at WPC was operating a table that featured anti-racism shirts for sale on a pay-what-you-want basis. TheDCNF found this arrangement intriguing, so its reporter snapped a photo of it.

This provoked consternation from the woman watching over the table, who said the reporter should have asked permission before taking such an intrusive photo (that had no people in it).

ht/ nm


23 Comments on White Privilege Conference

  1. Ahh, yes….reminds me of the *highlight* of my professional government career as head of the national accessibility department:

    setting: conference

    attendees/groups: cripple related

    “trigger” event: lecture

    given by: blind homosexual


    I quit shortly thereafter.

  2. I PREFER to refer to a man “he” and refer to a lady as “she.” If one has any identity issues with their privates, then I call them “fucked-up in the head” liberals.

  3. I’m a white male aged 63 and have never ever considered myself to be privileged because of my white (Anglo Saxon) skin color. I am who I am and am what I’m supposed to be because of the way I was created and won’t apologize for it or kowtow to political correctness just because of so called white guilt. What’s next American guilt because we were lucky enough to be born in this great country. The grievance mongers list of grievances against everybody that doesn’t agree with them is never ending.

  4. Education is racist.
    Invention is racist.
    Success is racist.
    Work is racist.
    Getting out of bed before noon is racist.
    Sobriety is racist.
    Punctuality is racist.
    Loyalty to those who pay you is racist.
    Innovation is racist.
    Speaking English is racist.
    IQ over 50 is racist.
    Reading (and comprehension) is racist.
    Mathematics is racist.
    Art is racist.
    Harmony is racist.
    … &c.

    I’m beginning to see a pattern here …

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. One brief glimpse of sanity did emerge from this particular insane clown posse. I also object to the term “undocumented immigrant.”

    “Foreign criminal border crosser” is, of course, the correct term.

  6. If I had the resources, I would have hired hundreds of people to show up in full Klan regalia for this ‘conference.’

    And a few film crews, because the reaction would have been hilarious.

  7. Are you SURE this wasn’t written up by someone from The Onion, or other “news” parody sites? It’s difficult (but not impossible given enough libations) to imagine THAT MUCH ass-douchery in one confined space.

  8. “Hello.”

    What do you mean – “hello?” That’s offensive to certain North Korean people who can only say “herro.” Or black youths who prefer “wassup.’ And your tone is aggressive, and you are undoubtably sexually assaulting someone with your “greeting.” Hello? That’s a trigger word/dog whistle meaning you want to lure someone into a false sense of security so you can take advantage of them. What if someone prefers “hi” as opposed to “hello” – aren’t you invading their linguistic space and denigrating their preferred method of salutation? And don’t get me started on using “howdy” or “hola” instead, you racist homophobe.

    This is a conference for Perpetually Pissed Off People; the gathering of common sense is down the hall.

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