Whites Have Appropriated “Struggle Food” – IOTW Report

Whites Have Appropriated “Struggle Food”

We have reached DEFCON ABSURD in the war against “cultural appropriation.”

The black publication, The Root, has accused white people of “gentrifying” fried bologna sandwiches. That’s right, that’s “theirs.” That’s “struggle food.”

Fried bologna sandwiches could be a bridge between the races, lol, but this disgruntled bint chooses to be divisive and gin up her readers and have them “go to mattresses” over something I remember eating 50 years ago. And the last time I looked I was white.

Bologna is Italian, so I have no idea what this black woman is yammering about. “Struggle food,” I’m guessing, means you don’t have much money. Gee, is being broke a black thing too?


53 Comments on Whites Have Appropriated “Struggle Food”

  1. After eating thousands of “baloney” sandwiches (fried and right out of the pack) as a child and adult (just as BFH stated above), I’m kinda impressed to learn that I was “down wit da shtruggle” all this time and didn’t even realize it.

    I’ve eaten so many of them in my lifetime that I have to shtruggle to choke one down these days. Here in the south, fried bologna on a biscuit (with an egg if you wanna go fancy) has been a breakfast staple for many a moon and it is happily eaten by blacks and whites alike. And people of all colors around here have been eating fried baloney longer than I’ve been alive, so I’m sure that’s much longer than the wet behind the ears, oxygen wasting moron that wrote this “Root” article has been around.

    And if I remember correctly, the namesake of bologna the meat product is Bologna, Italy because that was where it was first produced ……. and most of the Italians I’ve ever been around were Caucasian (also colloquially known as “white” people). Maybe it’s the act of frying it in a pan that makes us racist.

  2. I’ll keep that racist dip in mind
    next time I see a black person
    gnarfing down anything but “soul food”
    She is “full of EBT baloney” but
    it ain’t hers.

  3. In some areas in Africa the people eat rats on a stick, head and all. Then there’s “bushmeat” which could be any number of animals, smuggling into the where ever they’ve immigrated.

    No thanks, I won’t be appropriating any of your “black food”.

  4. I supplement watery soup with saltines
    But first I supplement the soup with soda water
    Welcome to the sufferage jungle
    Let me be the first to say to her…Eat me.

  5. Folks on Welfare are supposed to be Struggling , that’s why you ask for food, maybe you want my Juicy Steak ??? Sorry I Earned it, try it it feels great !

  6. You’ve got it ALL WRONG, fur.
    GO with the FLOW.

    Think of ALL the things Whites can FORBID POCs from using….
    …because they’re “OURS.”
    After all, it’s all about RESPECT, right…?! Bwahahahaha…..

    It’s not *racism*, it’s CULTURAL OWNERSHIP!

  7. cmf990 : Don’t you go gettin’ them on Oscar Meyers Ass, they will call him a Slave Owner and Ban his fine Meats Forever… Racist Meats !

  8. Blacks think the invented cornbread, turnip greens, and other “soul food” too. They didn’t bring southern cuisine with them from Somalia. Toby learnt how to cook from massa. Otherwise soul food would be maggots and buffalo dung.

  9. Bologna … Baloney.
    Naw – that ain’t negro – that’s nihilistic/totalitarian/socialist.

    But OK – the negroes are full of baloney. I got it.

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. The Race Division Bus makes another stop along the route to the democrat plantation.

    If it weren’t for spam, baloney and ham salad sandwiches made with baloney I would have starved and died of malnutrition as a kid.

    Oh and by the way, I’ve struggled my entire life, still am, but the government never gave me food, money, housing, energy assistance, medical treatment, training or mid-night basketball. Damn butt hurt leeches.

  11. They forgot to mention that wonderful fried tube steak sandwich is always slathered by Duke’s mayonnaise.
    Ms. Duke created Duke’s because during the “struggle”, otherwise known as The Great War, they couldn’t get sugar, an ingredient in traditional mayo.
    No self respecting Southern cook would use anything else, for the last 100 years.
    What would a Sandwich be without Duke’s and Earl?
    White bread, white mayo and Italian sausage, sounds mighty white to me.

  12. You people don’t know what struggling is. Every day I see people trying to walk down the street with their pants hanging down below their rear ends. That’s struggling, my friends.

  13. Show me bologna growing in the wild in Africa and I’ll consider the point. Meanwhile, blacks doing ANYTHING with bologna is cultural appropriation and I don’t remember them asking permission to do that.

    I might also ask why they’ve culturally appropriated western clothing and white women’s hair.

  14. I can no longer afford “struggle food”…… I used to eat that and a can of corned beef hash regularly but since the grocery chains discovered those were on the struggle diet prices have gone way up since these items can be purchased with the “struggle card”. WalMart even has two sizes of carts now….. the smaller working man’s cart and the larger struggle cart.

  15. Back in the 1970’s there was a bar / restaurant in Buffalo called Brady’s Butcher shop. We would go there about 2:00 AM and have fried bologna sandwiches. Could not be beat after a night of drinking.

  16. In my lifetime we often called it poor man’s steak. Is poor a race now?

    “You are what you is, you ain’t what you ain’t, you am what you am, a cow don’t make ham.” Frank Zappa

  17. Having grown up in The Great White North I was eating fried bologna sandwiches years before I met a black person for the first time.

    I claim they appropriated me. I demand reparations.

  18. Every single thing that Black people (and all of us) eat, drink, wear, drive, sit on, watch, read, etc, was invented, grown, produced, imagined, etc by White people at some time in the past. Asians were pretty imaginative, too. Black/Africans -not so much.

  19. They’ll never take my Kentucky round steak!

    However, I will continue to appropriate Ramen. And not even the Top kind; more like Maruchan.

    Also, I’ve got a 2-liter of Big K soda in the fridge, ’cause we get fancy on Saturday night!

  20. My grandma (an immigrant from Lithuania) used to serve us fried bologna as a cheap substitute for bacon and also in sandwiches for lunch. We used to come home from school for lunch back in the day. I’m 68 now. I’m sure the fried bologna wasn’t a Lithuanian treat so she much have had a request from my very American-Irish dad (born in 1915). We had a lot of “depression era treats” growing up and loved them. Appropriate this.

  21. It’s a Black thang only if your mama fried it in a cast iron skillet, I guess. Bologna – a word from Ghana meaning ‘girl full of hate’.
    Are Ramen noodles another culturally appropriated struggle huggle muggle food? Waiting for the Asians to jump on my white ass for eating their food.
    It’s obvious white people have never struggled.

  22. Since the (Caucasian) Earl of Sandwich is generally (and probably incorrectly) credited with inventing the sandwich, isn’t ANY sandwich made by ANY race other than white, a cultural appropriation?

  23. My dad could cook 2 things, a fried baloney sandwich and one eyed Egyptians.
    He was 21 before he ever saw a black person, he saw Egyptians at about the same time.
    Depression food, white people struggled through it too.

  24. We ate fried bologna not in sandwiches, but as a meat course with supper and maybe some boiled potatoes that you mash yourself on your plate with butter. I think I’ll pick some up next time at the store

  25. The real sign to know if you know what you are doing with regards to a fried baloney sandwich is whether you know to cut the slice of baloney int a star burst pattern. if you don’t the damn thing puckers up and you can’t fry both sides equally.

    This appropriation thing needs to stop before they embarrass themselves- oh, wait, its too late. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMYRYKvAEaY

  26. Can we look at this nonsense in a slightly more serious, yet darker sense.
    Is this false pride in a false cultural identity movement designed to foster greater racial hatred than ever before? It sure seems to be.
    What’s the end game?
    All of this is anti white in nature, but to what end?


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