Who Are the Racists? – IOTW Report

Who Are the Racists?

11 Comments on Who Are the Racists?

  1. Racist white liberals spend other people’s money to create racist institutions, and then point to the existence of those institutions to justify the need for their racism.

    Gotta break that cycle somehow. Ballistically?

  2. I saw the title and was going to say “people who think black people are too stupid or ignorant to know how to get an ID”, but Fur beat me to it.

    I should have known he already knew the answer! LOLOLOLOL

  3. If states do not require ID to vote, then you shouldn’t have to have ID to, rent a car, drive, buy a gun,…………

    Obama Won every state that did not require photo ID, and lost every state that did.
    The only reason to oppose voter ID, is that they plan to CHEAT, again.


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