Who Are You Going To Believe, America? The Media or Your Lying Eyes – IOTW Report

Who Are You Going To Believe, America? The Media or Your Lying Eyes


It seems no great event or upheaval in our national life can pass now without the media lying to our faces about it.

They lied about the Trump campaign colluding with Russia in 2016. They lied about the Mueller probe and Brett Kavanaugh and former national security adviser Mike Flynn. They lied about Trump’s phone call with the Ukrainian president and the impeachment farce that ensued. They lied about the coronavirus and the lockdowns and the White House response. And now they’re lying about the riots. More

10 Comments on Who Are You Going To Believe, America? The Media or Your Lying Eyes

  1. Wait until these Governors and Mayors start raising property taxes to cover the losses from their bad decisions.
    They need to cut the fat ass budgets they manage and pay for their bad decisions.

  2. Nobody believes their bullshit, including themselves. The fact that protesters were going to kill thousands of grannies then, but not now that it’s their protesters, proves that.

    But they have a mob behind them as enforcers. Dispute what they say and you might get a brick through your window, or worse. So everybody pretends what they here is the truth. It’s just like the old USSR.

    The great thing about this is that the rioters are going to burn the liberal cities and the liberal cities are going to shoot the rioters.

    It’s like two birds with one stone.

  3. Fake News Media has ZERO credibility.

    If you watch MSNBC, CNN, or read the Washington Post or NYT, for anything other than to monitor the enemy, then you are an undiscerning fool.

  4. What’s new? These jerk’s in the media insult our intelligence everyday. Unless of course you lean left.

    We are not Helen Keller, no offense to Helen I may add.

    I thought I was pissed the other night, but I’ve surpassed that with all the news the past two days.

  5. I’ve been watching live action on CNN and MSNBC that seems to be something like a Steven Spielberg movie staring a huge cast of hundreds of thousands of actors and actresses. It’s not really people rioting and looting, it’s something else. I think it must be scenes from a movie that is going to be shown on the Black Entertainment Network. I believe the working titles are “Raiders of the Lost Black Neighborhoods” or “Indiana Jones and the Last Target in Minneapolis” or “Saving Loot for Reverend Sharpton.” My lawyer thinks that it’s just a remake of “Catch Me If You Can” with a cast of millions. Whatever it is, it must be Trump’s fault, because that’s what that these television commentators keep commenting.

  6. The sad and ultimately frightening part of these media lies is that there are so many Americans who DO believe them. They are so caught up in the idea that Trump is evil they can no longer discern truth, or for that matter, the good vs evil which has engulfed so many.

    I have no power except prayer, but it is the most powerful thing in the universe. That has been my weapon of choice, praying often and with great faith, because God will save us. He gifted us with President Trump, but we need to continue to pray daily for our own repentence, for this country, and for our president. We do have amazing power when we call upon the Creator to help heal this nation.

  7. Remember the Trump is the fanner of flames (in chief).

    Pelosi can keep throwing those lines around as a distraction from the real fanner of flames. Why?

    Is she scared that it’ll get out that all of 10 unarmed blacks died at the hands of cops last year? 5 were justified and 1 was an accident.


    No, not really. Under OBAMA 40+ was the number.

    While CNN says “peaceful protestors” with businesses burning in the background.

    The worst journalist of every year, Don Lemon, still has a job. Why? If any straight white male conservative were as bad as Don he would have been shitcanned years ago.

    Need proof? They call Tucker Carlson the top conspiracy theorist liar horrible journalist. Oh, really.

    EVERYTHING that comes out of their mouth is a complete utter lie based on FEELINGS.

    Facts are NOT on their side and it just gets worse. Grass isn’t green, triangles don’t have 3 sides, and more personally YOU are a racist. There’s no reasoning with this goofery. Ignore them at all cost.

  8. Miss Kitty JUNE 4, 2020 AT 7:56 PM
    “What’s new? These jerk’s in the media insult our intelligence everyday. Unless of course you lean left.

    We are not Helen Keller, no offense to Helen I may add.”

    …No offense taken, I feel ya…


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