WHO Changes PCR Testing Standards to lower false positives right after Biden inauguration – IOTW Report

WHO Changes PCR Testing Standards to lower false positives right after Biden inauguration


ht/ lurker

17 Comments on WHO Changes PCR Testing Standards to lower false positives right after Biden inauguration

  1. Kinda goes thematically with that hideous magazine cover of Biden as Jesus, doesn’t it? The Anointed One healing the sick, and all that. Tho’ I’d’ve thought they’d try to ease into it a bit — slowly reduce the numbers over a few weeks, so it wouldn’t be so obvious they’ve been lying to us the whole fucking time — rather than just drop all pretense all at once.

  2. New guidance uses phrases such as “manual adjustment,” “aid for diagnosis,” “PCR positivity threshold,” “careful interpretation of weak positive results,” “clinical observations”…..

    Next, someone will analyze the vaccines and discover each is a saline solution.

  3. The WHO went back to previous usage of pcr testing, as a diagnostic of sick people, rather than a screening of general population (which yields vast false positives).

    It’s deceptive to talk about threshold levels – that’s not the point of what the WHO has done.

  4. Changing the way cases are counted, later they will admit that the threshold of cycles being used now is way too sensitive – the casedemic will be gone in a jiffy.

    Unfortunately for young and healthy people xiden will have to take an action so he can take credit for ‘fixing’ this overhyped idiot scam used to panic his voters.

    So the young and healthy will be forced to take a hastily devised, radically experimental ‘vaccine’ that will kill the healthy with auto-immune and allergic problems for years to come.

  5. jo blo – you got it. The PCR test never meant to be a stand alone diagnostic, the new guidance in effect says RTFM. In Marine-ease that translates to read the fucking manual, and that translates to, ok, let’s start to do the test correctly and establish a symptom prior to testing,

  6. GO TO CDC Mortality Data Site: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/index.htm
    Scroll down to Table 1.
    Click on the Left column to start with initial spread to the latest recorded data.

    Look at the dates and the mortality counts.

    Notice how the Wuhan-Media Flu Season #1 PEAKED on April 18th and declined pretty much continuously until Oct. 10th, 2020.

    Note: There is a bump in early July to early August.
    Around the time plus 14 days we were having State and initial National party candidate selection elections.

    Then it started to raise again thru Elections, Holidays, Run-offs, Election Protests and started to decline just prior to the New Congress taking office?

    BTW: The CDC is very clear… The Season Flu runs from Oct/Nov. to April/May. Which fits the Wuhan-Media Flu.


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