Who Dat? – IOTW Report

Who Dat?

Currently being held in New Jersey, this individual is supposed to have his day in court today. Do you recognize him?


See after the break.

It’s Kai the Hatchet Wielding Hitchhiker.


Real name, Caleb Lawrence McGillvary was rendered famous, and branded a hero, after a February 2013 incident in Fresno, CA where the then 24-year-old used the butt end of a hatchet to subdue a crazed man attacking people along the road side.

He was arrested three months later for the May 12th murder of New Jersey lawyer, Joseph Galfy. McGillvary contends that Galfy brought him to his home, drugged and then raped him.


After waiting in jail for more than two years, attempting suicide and filing  suits against the state for how evidence and witnesses were handled by the prosecutors office, the trial of Kai the Hitchhiker is suppose to begin today.





8 Comments on Who Dat?

  1. “McGillvary contends that Galfy brought him to his home, drugged and then raped him.”

    don’t tell me homo’s are all limp wristed, nice and wouldn’t hurt your fly.

  2. Galfy had to know who McGillvary was and what had happened out in Fresno. So he took a big chance letting a transient like this into his house.

    There was more than one contact between the two, with phone calls exchanged.

    I have to wonder how many times Galfy had pulled this stunt in the past or if McGillvary has a violent streak / mental disorder. I didn’t see anything saying that he had robbed Galfy and he posted on line the story of being drugged and raped.

    It looks like they are going to put him away for murder.

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