Who do we thank for this? – IOTW Report

Who do we thank for this?

macy's NYC-Thanksgiving

h/t Moonbattery.

29 Comments on Who do we thank for this?

  1. The Internationalists who’ve been taught at the Ivy League schools all colleges and universities – HWBush, Clinton, WBush, Saboteurobama, DumassBush, Romney, Rove, Council on Foreign Relations, major ETC.

  2. Hey Tim, he might enjoy that! I don’t know much about those “bath houses” in Chicago, but I heard he and Reggie used to have beautiful golden showers together or something… Gold plated shower heads?

  3. I hate the militarized look of our policing agencies. Everyone has to get in on the act. These guys could do their jobs more than adequately without the G.I. Joe Transformer getups. And we don’t need our streets patrolled with MRAPs, those tank-like vehicles the Pentagon gave away to local police. They weren’t requested by the police, but they were overstock from the ME (another gov’t spending waste, apparently). God help us some nutjob policeman doesn’t get all wee-weed up and hits the red button inside one of those things. Our municipalities spend way too much on police gear and not enough on recalling activist judges who put criminals back on the street with a slap to the wrist.

  4. in years gone by this was probably ‘good duty’ for a NY policeman. look at what it has become. the ‘macy’s thanksgiving
    day parade’ . me .. i’m sick.

    great post BFH

  5. True. And those militarized cops with the M4’s that they shoot once a year might as well have a big sign on them “Shoot me first”.
    I’ve warned my entire fam damily to stay away from the malls. If they need to go they’ll take me and my gun with them. CCW’s can potentially ruin a terrorists day. It’s only a matter of time before there’s another attack on US soil.

  6. Dont blame the Cops for this. This is because Odinga and the leftists hate America. They want us living in the constant state of “normal” fear and panic.

    Odinga sees this as “fair” and us finally getting what we deserve. Odinga grew up in the third world moslime shit world where precious little moslime children like him had to live in fear inside their mud huts. At any moment a bomb would go off, a head was chopped off, a machine gun opened fire on a crowded dirt road.
    Planes blew up and fell down on moslime dirt playgrounds on a routine basis. Moslime mommies were gang raped in front of them in the huts and then stoned to death for enjoying it.

    We have been blessed with electricity, medicine, paved roads, hot water, abundant food, education and luxury beyond our imaginations. Why should we be so fortunate to grow up safe and secure when odinga was shat out on a dirt floor in kenya and ate septic tank water and tree bark as a child…

    He sees this as payback. We have to live in fear and constant terror and panic just like the moslime filth do. Thats why he hates us and thinks he is punishing us for being blessed. Thanks Putin, in advance, for the dead moslime carcasses you will be piling up.

  7. The old time feelings of joy and celebration are being replaced with feelings of disgust for the overstepping authorities and jihad-enabling dhimmis. It’s a cancerous infiltration that could very easily be cured, if that were the desire of our “leaders”.

  8. Just wanted to remind everyone that New York City, as miserable and overpriced, overtaxed, and overcongested a shithole as could ever exist, has the BEST police force on the planet. They wrote the book on counterterrorism; at least fifty terrorist plots since 2001 have been foiled thanks to the cops always being one step ahead of the terrorists. These guys are professionals who know WTF they are doing. I hate working in NYC, but I do feel safe there.

    God bless New York ‘ s Finest. May He keep them safe in the line of duty.

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