Who Is Next After Gov. Cuomo? – IOTW Report

Who Is Next After Gov. Cuomo?

Michigan Republicans Demand Inquiry Into Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s
Murderous COVID-19 Nursing Home Policies

Big League PoliticsShe is as guilty as Cuomo.

Republican lawmakers in the state of Michigan are pushing back against Governor Gretchen Whitmer for her genocidal COVID-19 policies that have resulted in the needless deaths of countless elderly individuals.

State senator Jim Runestad is leading the charge to hold Whitmer accountable in a similar manner that New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is now being held accountable for implementing similarly murderous policies in his state.

“Gov. Whitmer’s regional hub policy placed patients with and without COVID-19 in the same facilities and may have exacerbated the death toll in those facilities,” said Runestad in a press release.

“Questions remain regarding the accuracy of data, compliance with CDC guidelines and compliance with our state’s Freedom of Information Act. There is a critical need for a full investigation into these matters,” he added.

Runestad believes a federal investigation is needed into Whitmer’s actions because of how her COVID-19 approach has lacked transparency.

“Michiganders understand there are many, many similarities between Gov. Whitmer’s handling of the virus and Gov. Cuomo’s: their unilateral overreach (both struck down by the courts), their allusion to vague metrics and data, their questionable vaccine distribution plans, and their outright defiance to losing their emergency powers. The alarming similarities with New York raise serious questions about what really happened in Michigan,” Runestad said.

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26 Comments on Who Is Next After Gov. Cuomo?

  1. I will be surprised if anything at all happens to Whitler. Female, friend of Hillary, and she helped deliver Michigan to Biden. And thanks to institutionalized voter fraud, she’ll probably be reelected as Governor.

  2. Cuomo obviously did something (totally unrelated to COVID) that pissed off the evil Marxist powers that be. They are making an example of him– showing that even other evil Marxists cannot go again those running the show. Frau Whitmer is still their darliing and will not get the Cuomo treatment. What ever actions Republicans take are irrelevant at this point.

  3. A caller last week on a Mark (Simone or Levin) show suggested that the ‘Rat Party is beginning to fumigate the party to make way for Kamala as Xiden is all but a shell. Can’t afford to have Guv Hairdo, Christopher Walken’s alter-ego from Albany, or Witless gum up the works.

  4. She don’t know it yet but
    Bitch is going down!

    THEY don’t know it yet but they’re all going down eventually…
    Cuomo, Newson, Whitmer, Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schummer ALL OF THEM!

  5. “… to hold Whitmer accountable in a similar manner that New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is now being held accountable…”
    He has not been held accountable yet. Publicized? Yes. Investigated? Yes. But no accountability until he’s in prison…. and don’t hold your breath on that one.

  6. Nothing happens in law enforcement unless democrats want it to happen.

    That’s why Whitmer can kill as many people as she wants and not have a care in the world that gop legislators don’t like it.

  7. The allegations should be addressed in the court system. A class action lawsuit would gain a lot of traction. THEN, we need a strong Republican opponent for 2022. Someone who will guarantee rollbacks on all mandates to pre-Covid status. Whoever it is would win easily on that platform alone.

  8. The left uses arrogant psychos like cuomo and whitmer, then deatroys them after they serve their purpose. The powers behind the scene (chicomms, soros) don’t want to risk any competition.

    That’s why a clueless, compliant whore like harris was chosen to replace biden. But pelosi will destroy harris and become president – this year.

  9. So many prominent politicians nationwide that belong not in the state houses but in the state hospitals??

    That’s what we need to have fully funded and expanded: state hospitals.

  10. I would call her a Sow, but I don’t want to insult pigs! “May she be like the slime a slug leaves.” I believe that is a quote from Solomon in the book of Proverbs, which concerns his enemies! Whitmer is the enemy of the people of Michigan.

  11. What about that degenerate tranny that Resident Biden wants to make ASSistant Suckretary of Hellth? The one that sent covid patients to nursing homes to kill old people after pulling his own mother out of a nursing home.

  12. I misplaced the quote in my previous comment as coming from Solomon in the book of Proverbs; it is rather from David in his Psalm 58, and it concerns God’s dealing with wicked judges – and this could include wicked governors like Whitmer and Cuomo! Sorry about the confusion!

  13. Thirdtwin is on the money. A federal investigation will be a waste of money and resources. The Thief in Chief owes Gretch big time for Michigan and AG Nessel will run cover as needed.


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