Who Needs Congress? – IOTW Report

Who Needs Congress?

Kerry says Paris agreement crafted to avoid Congressjohn kerry doofus face

Washington Examiner – Secretary of State John Kerry said Sunday the climate agreement reached this week in Paris did not contain any enforcement provisions because Congress would not have approved them.

“It doesn’t have mandatory targets for reduction and it doesn’t have an enforcement, compliance mechanism,” Kerry said during an interview on “Fox News Sunday.”

Kerry said such mechanisms were not included because Congress would have refused to greenlight the deal.

Binding legal requirements would have made the Paris agreement a treaty, requiring approval from two-thirds of the Senate.


49 Comments on Who Needs Congress?

  1. If Congress had any balls Republican & Democrats alike they would check Obama’s unconstitutional ass. But no they’re all in bed together except Cruz, Trump, Carson and a “few” others.

  2. So there goes the Obama administration again, fooling around with shit that Americans don’t like. Obamacare, Iran nuclear deal……

    Makes ya wanna book Boston Harbor for a tea party.

  3. Obama may have done a billion other things for which he could/should be impeached (not holding my breath, either),

    but this thing is like him “farting in Congress’ general direction,” and nothing more. However, if Congress goes with a single part of it, THEY need to be impeached.

  4. I suspect they won’t. This may not be exactly a treaty but it will be held to that standard. Treaties take forever to settle. Kyoto is still on the boards and that dates from 1992.

  5. In other words, in Constitutional terms, the agreement was crafted to bypass the will of the people.

    Fuck you democrats. Get ass cancer and die in screaming agony. You’re worthless, subhuman, scheming vermin.

  6. Why does anyone believe this asshole? I’m calling BS and will take the stand that it does include these things. It’s not like congress would do a fucking thing about it, why wouldn’t they have what they want in there?

  7. “There’s mandatory reporting,” Kerry said. “That reporting will be used by one country to measure against another.”


    The fact is that Obama doesn’t care about any of this crap except in pure domestic political terms. It’s all theater for domestic politics. And money. Just like all of these lefty creeps he’s probably got a secret bank account and is now worth billions.

  8. I dont know if any of this changes the environment one iota, but i do know this…Gravity is not a friend of John Kerry. I mean look at that face. Makes Fred Gwynne look handsome.

  9. Bullshit! Funding/Defunding comes from Congress. Hey Ryan stop this past Boehner bullshit and have some balls you RINO pussy! The people may actually support you as opposed to $$$ K Street lobbyists.
    Wake up Washington, Trump is waking up the public or getting a candidate that will bring all this to the forefront.

  10. The truth is more like WE, the American people, have become nothing more than a participation trophy.

    Maybe we should wise the hell up and give the IRS a “participation trophy” on April 15th.

  11. I’d like to be invited to one one of these million dollar “laugh ins.”
    Imagine being in a 5 star hotel in Paris. Attend a meeting or two, look interested, better yet, look important. Then eat, drink, and fornicate on the taxpayers dime. Knowing full well that eighty percent of these “delegates” know fuck all about the climate, don’t give a flying fuck about it, and most likely have never used a knife and fork at a diner table.

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