Who Put Jeh Johnson in Charge of Anything? – IOTW Report

Who Put Jeh Johnson in Charge of Anything?

Recent comments made by the head of Homeland Security, Jeh Johnson, reveals that the man has a self-imposed blind spot a terrorist could drive a truck bomb through.


It appears that back in the day Johnson’s grandfather had been called upon to testify before the House Un-American Activities Committee. Now the man in charge of the agency created to protect American citizens at home believes that Muslims in this country today need to be protected from the same sort of “scare” that haunted his beloved grandfather.

Who put this man at the head of the single agency that’s suppose to ferret out threats to the Homeland? Perhaps Valerie Jarrett had something to do with it, seeing as how she too has documented Communist in her family background as well.


17 Comments on Who Put Jeh Johnson in Charge of Anything?

  1. Jeh, you’re an effin idiot. The worst of the worst black gang members are rank amateurs compared to islamic extremists. Your job is to keep us safe, not suck up to terrorists who hate America and all that America stands for. Man up of get a job at a drive up window ass hole.

  2. If you continue to put Africans at the head of decision making bureaucracies, then the outcome is going to more closely resemble Niger or Zimbabwe then what made this country the greatest in the history of the world.

    My, ever since we’ve been hiring(and electing least we forget) so many blacks in our federal work force, our productivity, forecasting and customer relations have never been better said no one ever.

  3. The bureaucracy is infested with totalitarians from top to bottom. They may call themselves communists, demonrats, izlamists, socialists, democratic socialists, authoritarians, syndicalists, unionists, progressives, or any other euphemistic nonsense, but their core beliefs are the same.

    The only way to be rid of them is to get rid of them.

  4. The scarey thing is nothing is going to be done. Americans are so passive that whatever happens is fine with them. Very few of us would fight…I’m old and would because I’m not afraid of death anymore, it’s coming soon anyway. My eyes water when I see the state of affairs now. God bless you all and have a Merry Christmas……**Mythy**

  5. McCarthy was only wrong in grossly underestimating the scope of the problem.

    The mess could probably have been resolved by killing or institutionalizing under 100,000 people at the time – a million dedicated cryptocommunists at most. Now, it has metastasized – and it appears that it can only be fixed with a second civil war. If it results in fewer than 50 million deaths domestically, I’ll be surprised.

  6. The do NOTHING Obama gang, who follow orders. He’ll pardon them all when he leaves office. I just hope either Trump or Cruz is the next president, because I know they won’t pardon Obama.

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