Who says we can’t build a wall? A tiny nation built a massive one… recently – IOTW Report

Who says we can’t build a wall? A tiny nation built a massive one… recently

Can you guess the country?


Would it surprise you to learn that another country built a 1,700-mile wall to keep illegal aliens out?  Would you be surprised to learn that we are not talking about the Great Wall of China, but something built recently, in the 1980s, by a small, impoverished country with only a fraction of the resources of the United States?

If you know the country I’m talking about, give yourself a gold star.

The country I’m talking about is Morocco!  In the 1980s, Morocco made a land grab in the sparsely populated territory to the south called the Western Sahara.  It has a problem with illegals infiltrating, and so Morocco built a 1,700-mile wall to keep them out.  And it took only five or six years to build!


ht/ js

13 Comments on Who says we can’t build a wall? A tiny nation built a massive one… recently

  1. Congress is the main stumbling block in accomplishing the will of the people as expressed by President Trump.

    Take the funding which typically goes to the subversive and inept UN, then Build the Wall.

  2. In my opinion, Trump has the “repeal Obamacare” promise thingy adequately covered (for now) with the repeal of “the mandate,”
    SO: the *BIG* thing to check off the list IS “The Wall.”
    Admittedly, part of it is symbolic, but the reality of getting it funded (hellooo, Congress!) and construction underway in the next 3 years is in my opinion a key to his re-election.

    Yes, there’s the whole “Clean The Swamp” and “Lock Her Up,” which may well happen (prayers for 2018 miracles!) but, even though the “it’s about time their b*stards play by the same rules as the rest of us” relief is powerful, my gut tells me that won’t resonate as much with American voters as The Wall.

  3. p.s. The photo used on the cover page is the WORST design!
    Weakest and lightest points at the bottom, strongest and heaviest at the top. Requires CONSTANT on-site surveillance for the see-through aspect to be of benefit to US. A break in ONE “bar” allows people to pass through. WTF were the designers thinking?!?

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