Who Should Trump Pick For Ambassador To California? – IOTW Report

Who Should Trump Pick For Ambassador To California?

This hilarious question was posed to me by Miska Simpson of Politopinion.com.

Miska is not taking all the credit, however, having heard the question by someone on Fox.

The question is pithy, highlighting just how out of touch California is with the rest of the country. Hillary, if she won the popular vote, got there because of the left coast.


Never before has the discussion of a California secession been serious. But I’d actually like to see California broken into half, north and south. Northern California can remain a state. Southern California can become its own country.

LA Times-

…with the prospect of Donald Trump’s reign at hand, the secessionist talk has moved to the Left Coast. A group of activists has begun gathering voter signatures to put a measure on the 2018 state ballot that would ask, “Should California become a free, sovereign, and independent country?”

One of the groups backing the proposal is the newly formed California National Party. In a letter to the editor of the Los Angeles Times, Kerry Cox, a party member, said his organization “is dedicated to liberating California from a union that is no longer reflective of our values, and from two political parties that either treat us with scorn and ridicule, or use us as a cash cow to finance elections.”

Cox said California’s share of U.S. defense expenditures is greater than the entire defense budget of Russia. “We’re already a country,” he said. “It’s time to make it official.”


Please do!!!


44 Comments on Who Should Trump Pick For Ambassador To California?

  1. The funny thing is that those that agitate for separation never stop to realize that if California can separate from the US then parts of California can separate and stay in the US. Having been through two attempts by Quebec Separatists to take their province out of Canada they always react like stuck pigs when it’s pointed out to them that they are divisible as well. It would be very interesting to see a geographic poll that would show how California be carved up.

  2. @Bad_Brad, just gotta find someone who is fluent in English and jibberish, knows how to use small words to their fullest extent, can speak slowly for the marijuana cells to have time to catch up, has a picture book as back up, and has a masters degree in shadow puppets.

  3. @Bad_Brad December 7, 2016 at 9:37 pm

    > I’m not sure anybody speaks the same language as our legislators.


    @BigGun December 7, 2016 at 10:23 pm

    > just gotta find someone who is fluent in English and jibberish

    Chuck Manson has all the qualifications. And he’s planning on staying whether Baja Norte stays or goes.

  4. BigGun.
    That was me. My smart phone isn’t smart enough to retain my identity.
    Yea, this guys a piece of shit, I mean work. Another Mex that’s hell bent on turning California into the same shit hole his illegal parents left.

  5. Bad_Brad, these morons haven’t figured anything out. Lest I digress from the thread on an entire other topic about this secession stuff and delve into: Infrastructure, farming, ranching, industry, National Guard, etc… just remaining in place for this new La-La Land. Ain’t gonna happen. It’ll be interesting just watching the Los Angeles and San Francisco farms support those populations. Oh wait…

  6. You think living under the pussy-in-chief was bad you should be in this craphole.
    dems now have a super majority to do any damn thing they want. We have been over run with multiculturalism, the gay lifestyle, gun haters, hollywood assholes, crooked judges, envirowackos, and more freedom sucking regs than you can count.
    Conservatives here are as helpless as ancient peoples were to the romans. And there is NO ONE to lead us out of the stinking liberal ooze.

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