Who Wrote The Letter? – IOTW Report

Who Wrote The Letter?

Did Adam Kinzinger Fake a Death Threat To Stoke Jan 6th Commission Interest?
Salty Cracker has the details. [ Non-flowery language warning]

Original article here.

10 Comments on Who Wrote The Letter?

  1. Loser Kinzinger sits on a committee with democrats who have lied to everyone for six years… the russia hoax, the perfect phone call, a few good people, they lie without reason or without cause.

    Birds of a feather flock together do they not?
    OF COURSE KINZINGER MOST LIKELY WROTE THE LETTER HIMSELF, aftarall, his political career is over, he has nothing more to lose, whats an additional lie here, and an additional lie there.

  2. Hmmm…He could be planning to kill his wife and son, and use this letter to blame it on “domestic terrorists”. If he has guns, those need to be taken away, out of an abundance of caution.

  3. The grammar and spelling are pretty good. You’d think that cryin’ Adam would make a bunch of intentional errors if he was posing as a Domestic Terrorist, because he thinks those types are illiterate trogs. But maybe he’s such a pompous, anal twit that he just couldn’t bring himself to write and spell poorly. I think Columbo would have him pegged before the first commercial

  4. The chances it was not him shrink to insignificance. I have said for decades that hoaxers need to face the most harsh penalties available to anyone they tried to set up, even if the target is some nebulous member of a group they are attempting to smear.

  5. What else would you expect from the soon to be unemployed/former pivot man to the Sissy Graham/John “rot in hell” McCain Senatorial circle jerks? They only invited him to go overseas with them on all their fact finding/money laundering schemes w/foreign islamic jihadists to offer them his sweet delicate hands should the nearest goat be occupied. He has been confused since daddy RIP McCain died.


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