Whoopsy! Fmr. Mississippi gov. Haley Barbour, arrested with loaded gun in briefcase at airport – IOTW Report

Whoopsy! Fmr. Mississippi gov. Haley Barbour, arrested with loaded gun in briefcase at airport


JACKSON, Miss. — Former Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour says he will pay a fine after being arrested with a loaded handgun in his briefcase as he went through an airport security checkpoint. Barbour said he forgot he was carrying the gun, which he had put in his briefcase after an assistant removed it from his car days earlier.  

Barbour — Republican National Committee chairman in the mid-1990s and governor from 2004-12 — tells The Associated Press on Wednesday he was trying to board a flight Jan. 2 from Jackson to Washington.

Transportation Security Administration (TSA) spokeswoman Lisa Farbstein says a TSA officer at a checkpoint X-ray machine spotted a .38 caliber revolver, loaded with five bullets, in a carry-on bag. TSA contacted airport police, who arrested the former governor.

“This was absentmindedness and nobody’s fault but mine,” said Barbour, 70, who lives in Mississippi and frequently travels to the nation’s capital for his job as a lobbyist.  more here

14 Comments on Whoopsy! Fmr. Mississippi gov. Haley Barbour, arrested with loaded gun in briefcase at airport

  1. Well, at least it wasn’t stolen out of a law enforcement officials trunk and subsequently used by an illegal alien, felony criminal to kill an American citizen in a sanctuary city.

  2. The fact that it was in his briefcase and not in a shoulder holster or otherwise on his person lends credence to his explanation. Just an absentminded old fart. Believe me, I know the feeling.

  3. It’s possible to forget these things. I’m no super star or rocket ship but Last year I forgot a just purchased cold, fully loaded Coke Zero in a big plastic bottle in my carry-on computer bag. Surprisingly, it made it through x-ray and on to the plane! (lol) (ulp?)

  4. I teach concealed handgun carry courses, and one thing that hammer home for the entire day is that carrying a firearm, while a right, is also an extreme responsibility. One should NEVER “forget” that they are carrying.

    It’s the same thing to me as saying “I forgot I was driving”. Maybe I shouldn’t have been reading that book or watching that video.

    There is not only responsibility, but also accountability to be considered anytime you are carrying.

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