Who’s Calling Who a Cheap Fake? – IOTW Report

Who’s Calling Who a Cheap Fake?

Washington Examiner

Press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre dismissed the videos, including two last week of former President Barack Obama and Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni appearing to help Biden during public events, as “cheap fakes,” a play on the term “deepfake.” More

17 Comments on Who’s Calling Who a Cheap Fake?

  1. Know what’s really a cheap fake?

    “Inside the failed White House coup to oust Biden press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre”


    She was never going anywhere, because the white cowards in the White House didn’t have the balls to fire her dumb ass, and no competent person wants that shitty job on their resume anyway.

    And KJP, when you wake up one morning and find that Biden has been dumped the night before, don’t expect Barky to find a place for you in the coup. You’ll be as toxic and disposable as Joe’s diaper.

  2. There’s nothing “deep” about KJP, “cheap” certainly, but nothing besides her ignorance and sense of entitlement would be considered in any way to be “deep”


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