Who’s The Rattiest One of All? – IOTW Report

Who’s The Rattiest One of All?


Just as rodents begin seeking warmer, more accommodating shelter for the winter months, Orkin releases its list of the most rat infested cities in the country.


18 Comments on Who’s The Rattiest One of All?

  1. Yup! Show me any rat-infested, run down, burned out, poverty-stricken, stinking, ghetto full of unemployed, uninformed, barely aware, dope-smoking, Food-Stamp wielding, Escalade driving, Kool-Aid drinking, government-dependent, entitlement-rich, free-stuff-grabbing, short-attention span Lo Foz and I will show you over a half century of democRat-Fucking skullduggery, cities soft on crime, corrupt democRats rewarding cronies with public funds, establishing hostile business environments, heavily taxing the most productive citizens, setting up fat pensions for their union friends and complete dominance by these Misery Merchants hustling poor people for decades selling them Hope and Change Snake-oil every four years! It’s the DemocaRat’s Parasite Plantation of division and misery where nothing ever gets better except the politician’s bank accounts…the Clinton’s in particular!
    FYI – Haiti agrees!

  2. This is why I have a cat, never had a problem with rats but we do get an occasional mouse or so. Finn’s never prouder than when he kills a mouse but of course he leaves it right where my daughter can see it after he’s done with it. Rats give me the heebie jeebies worse than spiders do and I see that the Discovery Channel has an upcoming special on rats in the next week or so, lucky us as long as they don’t play Willard along with it.

  3. Geoff,

    I don’t remember much of the flick or who was in it. Same thing for Frogs. I was ten or eleven.

    Bourgnine was a great guy, and I am glad he lived a long and productive life. I still haven’t figured out he won an Oscar for Marty.

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