Why Are Progressive Ideas Ever Considered When They Are Literally a Joke? – IOTW Report

Why Are Progressive Ideas Ever Considered When They Are Literally a Joke?

You know the old joke where a guy walks into the doctor’s office and says, (waving his hand over his head) “doc, it hurts when I go like this”?

The doc says, “then don’t do that.”

That is exactly what happened in Florida. Progressive policy very well may have led to the death of those students.

Think back to the Trayvon Martin case. Remember the often overlooked part where Trayvon was caught several times doing things that should have gotten him arrested? Remember he had a backpack containing burglary tools and women’s jewelry?


According to the report, the 12 pieces of jewelry included silver wedding bands, earrings with diamonds and a watch. The investigator asked about the jewelry and “Martin replied it’s not mine. A friend gave it to me,” the report said.

He declined to name the friend. The jewelry was impounded and photos of the pieces were sent to Miami-Dade police, but Martin was only suspended for the graffiti. No evidence was ever released that the jewelry was stolen.

Nothing was done to Trayvon because the solution to the disparity between white and non-white arrests among high school-aged teens was to… not arrest them.

“Doc, it hurts me when I see so many minorities arrested compared to white kids.”

“Then don’t arrest them.”

(At least we can be grateful that the progressive solution wasn’t to simply arrest more white kids on fictitious charges.)

The success of this new progressive program, on paper, was remarkable!  All the races were in shiny, happy, progressive parity. Cases closed.

Cut to this Cruz kid. He also did things that should have gotten him arrested, not just having him “banned from bringing a backpack to campus.” (He had been caught with ammunition on school property.)

But since Cruz was hispanic, he fell through the progressive’s intentionally created cracks.

This is the kid that shot up a school, yet, we’re blaming the AR-15.

Jack Cashill has the full story at American Thinker.

ht/ Anymouse


20 Comments on Why Are Progressive Ideas Ever Considered When They Are Literally a Joke?

  1. Conservative Treehouse is also all over this. Don’t miss the comments where twitter photos of the “new student activists” are shown all gleeful and smiling. Follow some trails from there. This is a massive PR job that needs to be countered at every turn, by anyone with a voice.

    I emailed the President to encourage him on several fronts, and asked him to consider – How many children can we save if we defund Planned Parenthood and use that money for security in our public schools. It’s approx. 500 million a year.

    I would love to ask this of these “new student activists” (get used to hearing that phrase). Let’s see what they care about. The set up with all of this is that anyone who dares oppose the students will, of course, be a “monster” with bloody hands. Buckle up.


  2. I sent the link to Prager and Limbaugh (I’m sure they’ve already been made aware of it, hopefully) and it’s about to go to a personal friend of mine who’s a Representative in the Florida House.

  3. Czar, check out Royce Mann. Another little child actor who was a CNN darling back in 2016 for his “white boy privilege slam poetry”, back when BLM was trendy. Hogg will fade before the first day of Spring.

    Gun controllers all love waiting periods, so that records can be checked and to dissipate any potential rage which may have motivated an emotional gun purchase . I hereby propose a mandatory two month “cooling-off” period on any gun legislation, in order to dissipate any potential rage which might have motivated an emotional push for gun control.

  4. Left Coast Dan FEBRUARY 20, 2018 AT 4:21 PM
    Hey now, Cruz was only a protected Hispanic until he opened fire. Now he’s white.

    Actually, you are 100% correct! For those that missed it in the article, he is white. But since he was adopted by latinos he entered into the protected status or group that should not be arrested, just expelled. Had someone named Goldstein adopted him he would have been arrested and prosecuted. Gots to get the desired results and demographics.

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