Why Aren’t Black People Depicted In 16th Century Feudal Japan? – IOTW Report

Why Aren’t Black People Depicted In 16th Century Feudal Japan?

The Independent News

Woke Americans are vocalizing demands for diversity quotas in films, sparking controversy over historical accuracy. Criticism arises over the absence of Black representation in the Japanese film ‘Shogun,’ despite an all-Japanese cast. The debate underscores tensions between inclusivity and authenticity in storytelling, reflecting broader discussions on representation in media. More

The original article Here

An excellent rebuttal by Black Pigeon Speaks Watch

25 Comments on Why Aren’t Black People Depicted In 16th Century Feudal Japan?

  1. How can these so called do gooders be so stupid. Japan has just recently allowed a few muzzie migrants. They are already being called “street shitters”. Of course in Japanese it’s a bit different but that’s the meaning.

  2. Sure. Like the “All Creatures Great And Small” BBC series. The old one.

    There is no Tyrone Shoelaces in the series.

    In the NEW BBC ‘All Creatures’ there are suddenly a bunch of coloreds in, I think, the second season. It makes no sense.

    They wouldn’t be there to teach all of us honkies how to be smart, and shit, YO!

  3. my childhood memories – 4 to 8 years old – are of living in japan…i loved it….i can remember seeing heaven behind a heavy iron gate in a beautiful garden, i was probbly about six….experienced a couple earthquakes that knocked me down….went bonkers when my dad drove us up mount fuji, because he kept backing up to the edge of the mountain to make the tight curves….drinking the osoba chicken soup in the little diners….

    japan is dying now….no babies….soon, there will be no japanese left on the planet, and that hurts…i hope they can reverse course and replenish their civilisation, but it does not look good…..so sad……

  4. Because the orientals know that “diversity” is NOT their strength and as a result operate in a homogeneous society kind of like the Swede…….. er aa…

  5. Google “Johnny Somali”

    He is Young Jackass “influencer” who went to Japan, Took advantage of their Politeness & Social Order for “Likes”

    Japanese would rather invest in Robots than Social Disruption FOR CENTURIES

  6. On X, the “We Wuz Kangz!!!” psychosis has gone completely out of control. Blacks are posting that blacks literally invented every thing of importance in the modern world, which must explain why there is always a chirping smoke alarm in the background of half the videos these morons post.

  7. The “Hannibal” was black thing that’s being trotted out is ridiculous. The Carthaginians, according to most if not all historians were a semitic people who settled in north Africa in what is present day Tunisia. They were a sea-faring people who became masters of the Mediterranean until the Romans defeated them in three separate wars.

    As far as I can tell there is no basis for claiming that Hannibal or any Carthaginians were black. Lots of non-black people, lived and still live in north Africa.


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