Why Bad Republicans Must Be Stopped: The Battle for the Clark County, Nevada Republican Party – IOTW Report

Why Bad Republicans Must Be Stopped: The Battle for the Clark County, Nevada Republican Party

360 Las Vegas:

By Ian Bayne, co-founder of No Mask Nevada ianbayneisright@gmail.com

This week, something happened that is at the center of the most significant truth in politics that is seldom fully understood: bad Republicans must be stopped.

The race for chairman of the Clark County Republican Committee made national headlines, but the underlying issue was ignored and that is that we will never be a majority party until we remove the bad Republicans from power.

What is a bad Republican?

I once took a class at Harvard University from Mickey Edwards, a former Republican congressman who represented Oklahoma from 1977 until 1993. The only time I saw him animated was when he was explaining to the class how ‘conservative’ he was, turning red-faced almost when discussing all of his accomplishments as a conservative.

This was only a few years after former Speaker Newt Gingrich targeted him in a primary where he lost, defeated by Newt’s Republican choice for Congress, just one election cycle before the 1994 Republican Revolution.

It seems strange to think of a conservative Republican being targeted by Newt Gingrich in a Republican primary. Edwards’ slogan was ‘Take a bite out of big government’ back in 1974, as he campaigned for his first time for the position he would hold from 1977 until 1993. He served on a congressional committee that advised President Reagan in 1980 and even was the chairman of CPAC for five years.

But Newt knew better. It would take a full twelve years after his defeat when Edwards would announce his vote for Obama, and twelve years after that to endorse Joe Biden for president. more here

5 Comments on Why Bad Republicans Must Be Stopped: The Battle for the Clark County, Nevada Republican Party

  1. The writer ends with, “…sent a message: if you are going to get elected as a Republican, you’d better be a Republican.”

    Good luck with that Pal. Fact is to get elected as a Republican, you’d better be a good liar and an equally good Actor.

    FIFY-you’re welcome

    Anyway, these days just exactly WTF is a Republican? My old Congressmen in AR and w Texas were absolutely silent a mouse walking on cotton about the stolen election. Both are from districts so solidly R that just running guarantees that you’ll be elected.

    So why in the fucking world do they hold their tongues? Everyone knows the answer. TPTB running the party will make sure they’re on powerless committees, have basement offices and will under mine them at every oppo. Tom Tancredo was given the cold shoulder exactly like that when he was in Congress and used to relate the horror stories when he would fill in on KOA. And that was 20 years ago.

    Sadly starting a new party would elicit the same fucking thing, that is anyone elected has a solid chance of going DC(yeah I mean you Ken Buck)

    Traitors for a cushy lifestyle, that’s what sums it up. Doesn’t have the same ring to it as Go Tell the Spartans, does it?

  2. These are NOT “bad republicans”. They are PLANTS. Quisling traitors who are in reality DEMONRATS that are POSING as Republicans and infiltrating the party to wreak havoc and derail any GOP efforts to thwart the commie lefts march towards full enslavement of America.


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