Why Can’t the President Defend Himself? – IOTW Report

Why Can’t the President Defend Himself?

Mark Steyn explains why those in the media demanding Donald Trump apologize for not defending the President’s religion need to give it a rest.



13 Comments on Why Can’t the President Defend Himself?

  1. Yeah, I can imagine Barry defending The Donald as a successful countryman.

    Santorum actually had the best line with the media started hounding him about it. He said, “Why should Trump have to defend him? You guys are doing a good job!”

    Further, why is the media taking such great offense at someone being called a muzz? They’re the ones who have been beating us over the head about how swell Islam is, Religion of Peace BS., etc.

  2. He is a Marxist, just because he gets along with a contingent who hold western values in contempt as much as he, doesn’t make him Muslim. The church pew he warmed with his narrow ass for years was but a ploy to earn some street cred, without actually killing any whiteys.
    That certainly doesn’t make him Christian.
    What he is, the same thing his mom, his dad, his granny, his grandfather and his Pop were, communists.

  3. The Preznit is a cucumber pickle.
    Write a 3 pg composition defending this opinion. Contrast your position with the popular misconception that he is a Christian.

    Due by class on Friday. Best essay will be forwarded to the DNC and the (intellectually lazy) alphabet media.

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