Why Demographics Have Failed The Democrats – IOTW Report

Why Demographics Have Failed The Democrats

They’ve been predicting it for years, shifts in racial and age characteristics in this country was going to usher in a permanent Progressive Democrat majority.  The evidence in elected offices across the nation in recent years proves otherwise.  So what went wrong with the sure-fire “demographics is destiny” formula to perpetual political power?


16 Comments on Why Demographics Have Failed The Democrats

  1. Someone once said; “If you’re not a liberal by the time you’re 18, you ain’t got no heart. If you’re not a conservative by the time you’re 35, you ain’t got no brain.”
    Might have been Churchill, don’t know 4 sure.

  2. Well Hillary really did win more votes.
    But they are bunched up in California and the urban areas.
    All the seats the Republicans won have been widely spread geographically.
    And we suburbanites and rural citizens hate having urban areas decide our fates.
    Thus … the Republicans are gaining electoral power.

    (Oh, and the electoral college sure helps with the presidential election for the same reasons.)

  3. The problem – democrats believe their own lies. just look at the democrats who pretend CO2 is pollution. Math is hard. Democrats believe in fake numbers, fake polls, fake climate change. They adjust climate data to suit themselves.

    Finally real scientists with real data with real statistics are being heard. This is just scratching the surface.

    Democrats = liars

    You do know that obola was the source of the statement 97% of scientists agree global warming is real don’t you?

  4. Hillary definitely had more dead and illegal voters on her side. There are well over 1.5M in California alone. The oldest voter is over 200 years old. It will be very interesting to see how this all shakes out. The Dems never clean this up, I wonder why?

  5. Sorry, Dr Tar, but I think the linked article is CR*P.
    If I read it corectly, it seems to base its conclusions on (roughly) the last 10 years alone.
    Demographics is a LONG MARCH tactic.

    See Teddy K’s 1965 bill.

    See also contemporary meetings such as:
    (book of same title on sale at Amazon)

    It has not “failed” the Dem/fascists…YET.
    We have to fight/persuade to the last drop
    (NOT Maxwell House coffee…though many strong cups of Joe WILL be needed!)

  6. Some (okay, most) of the people supporting the Dems are the “Free Chit” crowd. The people pulling the wagon and paying the freight are getting feed up with their empty promises. I hope that those of us in the harness are not completely out numbered. If that’s the case, it’s time to stop working and stop paying taxes.

  7. If reasonably expected population shifts, moving through the century mark, had occurred with the “old” (at least a generation before the end of the century) Democratic policies, the new voters likely would have given the Democrats an unassailable advantage in most of the country. The reason “demographics is destiny” had to be the “spirit of the age” was that the “old” Democratic policies were already badthink. But it’s hard to convince people that have already re-written “the rules” to ensure that they don’t have to compete, to shoot themselves in the feet before shuffling back in the bottomless buffet line, unless you say (what they already want to believe) “You’ll never, ever, have to compete, ever again. Eternal ‘winning’, forever, and ever, axen.”. The end of last century’s “demographics is destiny” was already the “I don’t have a problem. I can stop whenever I want.” excuse making.

  8. If Hillary would have won she would have been the last white Democrat president ever! As it is, she in now the last white Democrat nominee they will ever field! From now on the Democrats, based on current and projected demographics, will only nominate a minority to run for president!

  9. @ Bongopoofter

    Checking on who to attribute that saying, it opened up a history of likewise sayings I would call the roots of it.

    The words may differ, but the message is the same.


    One of the pleasures of compiling the Yale Book of Quotations was tracing and cross-referencing different versions and precursors of famous quotes. This one is usually credited to Georges Clemenceau, but W. Gurney Benham‘s Book of Quotations cites French premier and historian Francois Guizot (1787-1874), translating his statement as “Not to be a republican at 20 is proof of want of heart; to be one at 30 is proof of want of head.” Benham asserts that “Clemenceau adopted this saying, substituting ‘socialiste’ for ‘republicain. ‘”

    But I was delighted to find that John Adams had expressed a similar idea well before Guizot entered adulthood. Thomas Jefferson preserved this quip, writing in a 1799 journal that Adams had said: “A boy of 15 who is not a democrat is good for nothing, and he is no better who is a democrat at 20.”


    While reading everyone’s posts, I’m wishing more peeps in my private daily life were like you guys.

    My customers are where I find the most conservatives to talk to. Something over 80%, and @ 10% of my total base are of a gay community. Even some of them are conservative.


    As for the Demographics changing, I think a truly “Americanized” person ends up having conservative values at some point whether they recognise them or not – family – country – private property – freedom from Gov oppression, etc.

    That’s one dynamic never accounted for in the mass-flooding-of-immigrants-for-votes-strategy. It can change to a more sensible, self-protecting vote in line with today’s conservatives. IMO, of course.

    Wise people can see what’s what. Let’s pray for them in that way.

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