Why do some farts smell worse than others? – IOTW Report

Why do some farts smell worse than others?

DMUK: It is a mysterious science: why do some farts smell worse than others?

Everyone farts between 10 and 20 times a day.

And though it may seem like an embarrassing reality we’d rather not live with, each fart is a sign of a healthy digestive system.

However, no one fart is the same – and the smelliness can tell you something about your inner health.

Sometimes it may be loud and odorless, or smelly. Sometimes it’s really smelly. Sometimes it’s silent but deadly.

For some people they’re always as smelly as rotten eggs, for others they tend to be odorless.

Enter Dr Myron Brand to explain what it all means.

Dr Brand spoke to Thrillist to reveal some little-known gems about our gassiness.

Bad news if you’re on a diet: Dr Brand says healthy eating makes the scent worse.

But not to worry, he says.

‘Smelly odor is not bad, it’s just a function of what you’re eating and what your bacteria is doing inside your gastrointestinal tract. Everyone is different.’

Asked if smelly farts are a bad thing, Dr Brand responds: ‘Nope. It just means you’re eating food and digesting it well – and there’s more room on the outside than on the inside.’


h/t Webonot

20 Comments on Why do some farts smell worse than others?

  1. Old lady goes to doctor tells him she as had bad gas for a while but luckily they are silent and odorless. Dr writes a script and reschedules a follow up. She returns mad as hell yelling at the Dr that now her farts “stink to high heaven”!
    Doctor replies “Now that your sinuses are clear,let’s work on your hearing”

  2. Insert your own fart joke here. ” I fart in your general direction.” Gene, Gene made a machine, Joe, Joe made it go, Art, Art cut a fart and blew the whole damned thing apart. Why don’t people like clown farts? Because they smell funny. And if a mime farted would anyone hear it or would it be an SBD fart that only affects the mime trapped inside his imaginary box. And the biggest fart joke of all is that cow farts cause globull warming. Bullshit!

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