Report: Obama has injured fingers – IOTW Report

Report: Obama has injured fingers


Citizen journalist Travis of Flint, Michigan wrote, “just days after his personal chef and friend died in a very mysterious paddle boarding accident, Barack Obama appears to have injured fingers and a black eye. We still don’t know who the other person was and Obama loves paddle boarding. I think we can all guess what happened at this point!” More

27 Comments on Report: Obama has injured fingers

  1. …there’s a joke about Hellen Keller falling down a well and breaking three fingers yelling for help in there somewhere, or maybe not, but it sure would be nice if Barky WERE mute…

  2. …Barry doesn’t strike me as the physical type, so probably unrelated. He’d have the SS off the dude, althogh he may break a digit sending out messages about how happy he is dude is dead…

  3. Here’s the most probable story:
    Chef cooks up something special for bath-house barry. Opinko tries to eat a smidge before its done and reaches into the skillet to grab a pinch and he burns his fingers. In his rage he grabs the skillet and pummels the poor chef, who fights back and hits obummer in the eye. The SS see this and shoot the poor chef full of holes. They then take the corpseman (obummmer joke) out to the water and dump it.

  4. Well General Malaise, they are in the same neighborhood.
    I wonder if the chef had bruises on his hands or face or otherwise?
    Will the full autopsy, including pictures, ever be released?
    These people are evil and I wouldn’t put anything past them.

  5. Barky, the Chef, and Big Mike….
    doing the things that homo/transexuals do….
    and Big Mike gets angry….
    and Barky gets his dxxk skinners hurt….
    and the Chef gets dead.

  6. The Kenyan Faggot discovered said Chef servicing Big Mike’s monster, threw a hissy sissy.

    Big Mike beats up the fussy rump ranger, she is the only one the SS can’t shoot.

    Chef can’t be allowed to squeal about the beat down. Chef Boardurdead gets offed. SS covers up the murder.

    Simple as that for our satanic overlords.

  7. America’s first muslim, gay, illegally elected Ex-Dictator is golfing at an exclusive golf club sporting mysterious gay domestic violence injuries, while his transvestite so-called mate is exercising his massive biceps and thighs at an exclusive tennis club while wearing a custom made nut bra. Ain’t racism in America grand!


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