Why Does the Media Keep Maintaining That Sutherland Springs Was the Worst Church Massacre? – IOTW Report

Why Does the Media Keep Maintaining That Sutherland Springs Was the Worst Church Massacre?

Never forget, the worst church massacre was at the hands of the Clinton administration in Waco, Texas.

Whether you think David Koresh was a nut, or not, is irrelevant. There is ample evidence the government burned the church compound down with innocent women and children inside.

76 people perished.

The details are arguable, but it’s disturbing that the government and the left-wing media will not even entertain the thought that the government may have been in the wrong.

This is why we need guns.


ht/ annie

21 Comments on Why Does the Media Keep Maintaining That Sutherland Springs Was the Worst Church Massacre?

  1. Wow. I didn’t think. A horror I couldn’t fathom then, or now. Their hope, as with the Murrah Bldg govt sting, was to crack down on guns and patriots. It didn’t work as they had planned, then….. Now?
    ….Lady in Red

  2. According to the left, government atrocities don’t really count. That’s how they can claim that religion has killed more people than other non-natural causes – they ignore despots like Stalin, Mao and Hitler (just to name some 20th century genocidal maniacs).

  3. For the same reason they murdered Lavoy Finicum in Oregon.
    To send a message.
    That message being “WE RULE. DON’T FUCK WITH US”.
    Thank God and our forefathers for the 2nd Amendment.

  4. Instead of grabbing David Koresh in town (as they knew he had a shopping schedule) they waiting until he got safely back to his compound so he could lead / direct his followers and take hostages if necessary.


  5. Las Vegas wasn’t the worst mass shooting in US history either, just the worst private sector mass shooting. The US government holds that record for Wounded Knee in its attempt to, of all things, confiscate guns from Americans. But just like at Waco, they surely meant well.

  6. “rickn8or, you’re right, it’s tough to beat any government when it comes to killing.”

    Fuck those guys. They fall back to predictable places. Their rally points are predictable. They love pavement and they never watch there six. Oh and 99.9% of them suck with a gun.

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