Why haven’t these children been indoctrinated yet? – IOTW Report

Why haven’t these children been indoctrinated yet?


“This is not the look of a properly indoctrinated child, one who should be scowling and spitting in this situation. There were way too many excited and thrilled children and something must be done.

Somewhere a teacher has failed. We will find them and we will remove them.” – The Left

What was the situation? See HERE

16 Comments on Why haven’t these children been indoctrinated yet?

  1. Podesta would’ve treated them to pizza at Comet Ping Pong!

    Also, I doubt Hillary would’ve open the White House for public tours – private tours are much more lucrative.

  2. These are the moments that cement the rightness (?) of voting Trump -he does seem to have the instinct to do a right thing that reminds us of what our country used to be.

    Just got back from visiting a military academy (H.S.) with my daughter. She wants to go for the discipline and reduced crap public and even Christian (where she is now) schools allow/tolerate/create/encourage.

    They get moments like this at that school.

    Don’t know yet as finances are tough but her final goal is West Point.

    We wouldn’t have even talked to her about it if Hillary and the lefties had won.

  3. Those kids are from Briarwood Christian School in Birmingham AL. Alabama, by percentage, voted the most for Trump than any other state. For once, Alabama is number one for a good reason (though our state motto is “Thank Heaven for Mississippi.”

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