Why Hillary Belongs In Jail – IOTW Report

Why Hillary Belongs In Jail

f324768eb1eca51020216af64cebda8fThe Glazov Gang provides a list of crimes Hillary Clinton could be prosecuted for,  if only government wasn’t  so corrupted.


The person interviewed, Daniel Greenfield, explains why Obama should be in prison cell as well.

8 Comments on Why Hillary Belongs In Jail

  1. In prison, Hillary can keep her email server as secure as she is.
    In prison, Hillary won’t be accused of stealing the finery from her cell.
    In prison, Hillary won’t have to worry about bumping into Trump, or her husband.
    In prison, The Clinton Global Initiative can save about 40% of their donations going to one person’s salary.
    In prison, Hillary doesn’t have any 3am phone calls.
    In prison shower room, Hillary will have plenty of friends who’ll remind her of Huma.

    What, this wasn’t a contest? Damn, I wasted all of three minutes.

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