Why I Hate the GOP – IOTW Report

Why I Hate the GOP

There’s a video by a comedian named Owen Benjamin that is pretty damn good. He says he’s right-wing in a family of left-wingers, and he can argue with them but still get along with them if the end goal is the same.

For instance, global warming.

His family are all-in on the Gore model because they want to leave a clean planet for their children. Owen wants a clean planet as well. He approaches the solutions from a rightwing perspective and his family looks toward leftwing solutions.

As long as the end goal is the same he can tolerate them as they argue. He named 2 issues in the video, and then was pretty much at a loss to name others. I know his end goal is to keep his family intact, but there isn’t much common ground between the modern left and right.

Owen goes on to say that he will not tolerate the left when there is no shared end goal. He uses transgendered children as an example. He shares no interest at all in grooming children to change from male to female or vise versa. These people he loathes and says he would like to blow their heads off.

Owen has to come to the realization that there is not many issues where the left and the right want the same outcome. And I’m not so sure he’s on the money with this “shared outcome” when it comes to Global Warming or Healthcare.

The left doesn’t want a clean planet, they want to CONTROL the planet.

They don’t want great healthcare, they want to CONTROL HEALTHCARE.

But Owen’s a good guy and he wants his family.

This is a long introduction in order to get to what this post is all about – my hatred for the GOP.

There’s a restaurant in Seattle that put a message in their window that they are selling “Dump Trump Cookies” for 3 dollars a pop. 2 dollars goes toward women candidates to run against the GOP.

In response to the brazen corruption of the Republican tax plan, we’re introducing the #dumptrump cookie. For each sold, we’re donating $2 to Emily’s List to support Democratic women running for office.

A guy wrote a post about it for My Northwest called  ‘Dump Trump’ cookies fueling hate.

…they’re certainly entitled to their opinion on the GOP tax plan, but to call this “brazen corruption” details a stunning amount of ideological bigotry. What was the corruption? Passing a bill you dislike?

I assume this restaurant thinks all Republicans (or Trump supporters) are evil and they would rather not serve them, but this kind of bigotry is no less disturbing than a restaurant wanting to keep me out for being Jewish or gay. You’re still judging someone based on your own prejudices.

Sounds great, right?

But he also said this in his rant-

Certainly, we can disagree on policies without calling the other side corrupt, right?

No. I disagree with the left because I believe their policies ARE CORRUPT. Their policies, by nature, corrupt the constitution by trying to take away freedom and liberty and take control of your life. That’s corruption.

Here’s more:

And while I’m hardly a Trump supporter, I am a Republican and supported the GOP tax plan. I’d never want to eat at a restaurant like this.

He’s not a Trump supporter but supported the “GOP” tax plan. How else do you get a TRUMP tax plan, that you concede you support, unless you support Trump? Certainly you don’t do that by voting for the third party candidate that ran against Trump, or masturbating to a National Review special edition that compiled a ream team of elite GOP hacks who implored the rightwing electorate to NEVERTRUMP.

There’s more:

…it seems like they’re helping to create an Us vs. Them political mentality which does the opposite of what they ought to be doing.

A good meal can bring to the table all sides for some great conversations that lead to common ground.

I just vomited my good meal at the thought of a GOP guy believing you can have a “great conversation” that leads to common ground with the left.

The reason he believes this is that the modern GOP has a lot more in common with the modern left, in terms of “shared outcome,” than can be tolerated by a conservative.

George H.W. Bush, the Grand Poobah of establishment GOP, introduced America to the inevitability of a “new world order.”

That’s the GOP’s role, to create the illusion of  resistance to the left’s worldview while allowing it to happen so slowly that we won’t realize we went from point A to point B under their representation.

I hate the GOP.

And I do not like this guy’s rant. Sorry. I’ve grown intolerant of people who display a modicum of interest in bread breaking with evil.

The left is evil.

15 Comments on Why I Hate the GOP

  1. I avoid leftists; you can’t argue with them, they have no sense of humor, and you never know when or why they will fly off the handle. Leftists don’t even give a rat’s ass about the issues they pretend to care about – they want power and that’s about it.

    These are people with no moral compass. Today black is white, tomorrow white is black. They pretend to care about black people even though blacks are worse off today than 50 years ago and countless leftist programs. Everything is identity politics and everyone is a victim – you have no choice. Pointing out leftist lunacy will, at a minimum, get you ridiculed – and possibly jailed or killed. Leftists need to stifle speech because they cannot otherwise compete in the marketplace of ideas.

    Most importantly, leftists are totalitarians. I don’t care which far end of the political spectrum one may be, a totalitarian is a totalitarian. And by their very nature, one cannot rationalize with a totalitarian – they need to be defeated.

  2. Agreed, regarding GOP & Co.. Yet…
    …as dangerous as they are “inside the tent,”
    I still furrow my brow at any talk
    Of “reconciliation” between the Right and Left in my lifetime.

    There’s a video out there called,
    “A Story About How America Was Almost Destroyed By Criminals”
    Done by Joe Masepoes based on a twitter thread of Imperator_Rex3
    (both decent sources for developing info on “The Storm” in Washington, D.C.)
    in which he ends it with a disturbing plea…he recently put up
    a meme with a similar message:

    We are in the process of winning a war against an unthinkable evil.
    Now, more than ever, we must love and forgive our liberal countryfolk
    and treat them with kindness, even if they spit in your face.
    They are victims [!] and they need our understanding more than ever.”

    Umm…OH HAIL NO!
    Time for ”Can’t we all just get along?” is LONG gone.
    Owen is at best just a Right-wing Rodney King.

    Miracles *may* yet happen, but I am 99% convinced
    “they” will not go down without a fight.
    There may be regional “declarations of war”
    and no “Pearl Harbor” moment for the country as a whole,
    but a healing requires the cancer to be removed.

    Though these nihilistic barbarians were born in the USA,
    that does NOT make them my “liberal countryfolk;”
    I shall treat them as enemy combatants.

    Yes, the Left IS THAT EVIL.

  3. I avoid all leftists like the plague. Their self important over valuement of themselves is nauseating.

    I really don’t know any anymore. I blew off the last of them during the previous administration.

    As for RINOs. I blew them off during the same timeframe.

    Life is too short to spend any time or effort on useless people. It’s an unnecessary bit of frustrating futility.

  4. I questioned (in another post) whether Americans could be exceptional anymore (like the great generation that fought world evil) and expressed my doubts and part of it is because I grieve that left and right will ever be able to come together post-Alinskistic name-calling and endless (ad-nauseum) evil rhetoric used especially by the left (and some on the right).

    It’s not just politics we contend with, it’s lifestyles, religion, food, diets, weather, clothing, movies, music, race, and the very definition of is and illegal behavior being called good.

    Hell, the discussion isn’t even about Americans anymore but people who claim they have the right to be treated as Americans because they breathe our air and stand on a small patch of American soil and half of all Americans consider them “undocumented citizens” or some such shit.

    They come here, eat our resources and tax dollars, get privileges and status most Americans don’t use, and demand a vote when hundreds of thousands of Americans have died to secure that vote.

    I say get out of my country and if you are a politician who is of whatever flavor and you don’t agree I have the right to not only not vote for you but to also encourage anyone who will listen not to vote for you too!

    It’s ranting time – I am tired of this crap.

  5. ALL COMMUNISTS use feel-good disguises to further their agenda, then shitcan those useful idiots once it’s achieved.

    NONE of the commies care about the environment, women, gays, religion, black issues, trans, or anything. It’s just cobbling together a big clown tent of losers that the party will put right in the woodchipper the minute those clowns serve their purpose, as party members really have not respect for them either. Communist party only cares about the Communist party, and they don’t share power.

  6. I’ve been watching/listening to old film clips of the Army/McCarthy HUAC hearings that are on YT. Most of them are short clips of Hollywood luminaries and there is one of Ayn Rand. I can’t remember the name of one fellow who was asked if he was aware of any communist front organizations and he rattled off a few, including the League of Women Voters. Back then there was no hesitation in calling a communist a communist (or “commie”). It is all very fascinating when comparing it to today’s problems with far Left, subversive and seditious organizations whom the Democrats call “partners.” One of the most interesting (and awful) testimonies was by actor/singer/lecturer Paul Robeson, who eloquently defends communism without ever admitting he’s a communist. Every year, here in Seattle/King County, the administration gives out prestigious academic awards in Robeson’s name.

    The right to free speech won out over the right to protect our country from foreign operatives a long time ago. And make no mistake, there was never a home grown version of communism any more than there was a home grown version of jihad. It started outside this country and was imported.

    When POTUS Trump recited “The Snake” at all those rallies he wasn’t just talking about islam. He’s taking a two-pronged approach to turning around the attitudes of people who are cultural Democrats, but it will take time.

  7. The curtain is closing on the idea of the United States of America. the whole world is fighting against us & the barbarians are inside the gates & recruiting our children.

    the vast wealth of the US is working against us & our children. the Totalitarians (Wyatt is correct; they are Totalitarians) have infiltrated into the segments of society that vastly influence weak minds, especially our children. it is so much easier to ‘get along’ than to stand against the wind & decry their corruption. after all, I can still get on my new iphone & text to my friends, play soul-crushing mind-numbing video games that teach us to look at fellow human being as mere targets ad infinitum, go shopping on credit, be entertained by the mindless crap on tv, streaming video & the movies, go get a chockburger, a chinochumpafaloopa or a mocha-bloaka frappa machiatto latte … then go on Fakebook & tell everyone how wonderful my ‘red-pill’ life is …. ‘like me! Like me!’

    there are fewer of us to fight them every day that goes by … why do they fight tooth & nail to bring in more & more shitholers? why do they fight w/ their last breath the killing of the unborn, try so hard to euthanize the elderly, the infirmed, those that are deemed (by them) as ‘diseased’, ‘deformed’ or ‘demented’? teaching young, impressionable minds that having sex, with whomever, whenever, wherever, is much more fullfilling than having meaningful, rewarding lifelong relationships & having a stable family unit? … & insisting it be a part of every teaching curriculum?

    they want your body & soul as cannon fodder …. you are nothing without the State … you can’t think, you can’t act, you can’t feel without permission of the State … either line up for defense of the realm or line up for the cattle cars …. choice!

    Western civilization is crumbling … Europe is dying … all Spanish-speaking America (Mexico, Central, South America, Kalipornia, etc.) is a collection of corrupt shitholes & everywhere they immigrate turns into the same … Canada, Australia, New Zealand are marching into the euro-surrender caldron

    Global Cooling/Warming Climate Change is the greatest threat to Humankind?…. the greatest threat to the world is the regression of human progress & the crushing of self-reliance … they want the light turned out … & as long as they control the switch your enlightenment is determined by them

    I salute everyone that stands up against the aggression of the New World Order of the Bushes, the Clintons, the Obamas, their Deep State & ‘secret society’.

    Fight the good fight …. it’s not over!
    (… apologies, as I fall off of my soapbox)

  8. The Manchurian Candidate was on this last weekend. The old one, not the Denzel/Streep abomination. Watching it now will give you goosebumps. If you’re too young to have seen it, check it out. And Seven Days in May as well.

  9. I choose not to discuss (argue) with leftists because of the futility, but also because I am pretty sure that it will lead to bloodshed (theirs) and I don’t want to be arrested.

  10. Jethro

    I had a machine tool sales guy pop in a couple days ago. Up from the Bay Area. So I mentioned the impending shut down and the clown goes all lefty on me. So I told him to GTFO. The wife was cracking up.

  11. Lazlo is old enough to not care if he is liked.
    Leftists are crippled wit the desire to be liked.
    My arguments with lefties are short. They are of two types:
    If they do not offend and are only ignorant I do the bemused professor routine.
    I listen and respond with banalities like: “There you go” and “I feel you, man”
    Soon they wander off to find someone else to annoy.
    If they are an irritant, I destroy them with bitter sarcasm and long pauses followed by: “You think so? Truly” Or stare at the sky and slowly let out a long breath and say: “I Just don’t SEE it, like it’s not real”
    If they are an ass I show them a thumb lock and demonstrate how the thumb can be used as a joystick for artful gymnastic displays

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