Why is a sex toy in the men’s room? – IOTW Report

Why is a sex toy in the men’s room?


Bomb disposal experts were called out on an unusual mission in Germany this week — to defuse a vibrating sex toy.

In a country where unexploded Second World War ordnance is still regularly found, disposal teams are always on the alert.

German police brought in a bomb squad and evacuated the gambling hall when a staff member heard a strange noise emanating from a bin, but declared a false alarm after the source of the humming sound turned out to be a sex toy. 

On Tuesday, they rushed to answer an emergency call from a video games arcade in the usually sleepy town of Halberstadt, when an employee raised the alarm after hearing a strange buzzing sound coming from a bin in the men’s lavatories.

Surrounding buildings and offices were evacuated, and the roads were cordoned off. In all around, 90 people were ordered to leave the area.

Bomb disposal experts were summoned and cautiously lifted the lid off the bin — to find a discarded sex toy vibrating inside at its highest setting.

Deactivating the toy was considerably easier than most devices the experts face: they just switched it off.


ht/ The Big Owe


3 Comments on Why is a sex toy in the men’s room?

  1. The news account I read identified the “sex toy” as a vibrating penis ring. That still doesn’t quite answer the question, but it is slightly less eyebrow-raising than finding one of those in the ladies room.

  2. Ok. Considering the history of the country (Germany, WWII, unexploded ordnance), I’d consider the employee’s call a valid one. I’m sure the EOD people had a good chuckle – afterwards.

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