Why is Former NSA and CIA Whistleblower Being Ignored? – IOTW Report

Why is Former NSA and CIA Whistleblower Being Ignored?

General Counselor to Freedom Watch and Judicial Watch founder, Larry Klayman, wants to know why whistleblower Dennis Montgomery is being ignored.

read the entire letter HERE

ht/ all too much


7 Comments on Why is Former NSA and CIA Whistleblower Being Ignored?

  1. With threat of going public,is it possible Klayman dangled a sweetener/evidence over Nunes’ head, promoting his revelation today? Don’t forget Nunes was part of the transition team. Was his name unmasked?
    Why would Grassley & Co choose to ignore Montgomery? Quite simply, congress can’t be certain they themselves aren’t included in those 600 million files, e.g., fraud, sexual deviancy, affairs, any number of embarrassing misdeeds. They protect each other.
    D.C. is filthy. Period.

  2. The last thing the snakes in the congress and the ex- executive branch Obama yahoos want is some daylight thrown on their nefarious actions! The truth shall not set us free because they won’t let it. It is CYA for the whole cohort of putrid scoundrels!

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