Why Is Horseshoe Crab Blood So Valuable? – IOTW Report

Why Is Horseshoe Crab Blood So Valuable?

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13 Comments on Why Is Horseshoe Crab Blood So Valuable?

  1. 16 thousand dollars a gallon for some blue blood that can detect toxins down to one part per TRILLION. Whoa.

    (Thats one ugly 8 legged critter though. Not worthy of a Sunday post Pic lol)

  2. On a cross-country road trip to visit relatives on the east coast, I found an empty horseshoe crab shell.
    I left it, barely visible in the bushes at the Monarch Pass rest area on the Continental Divide, for the amusement of future travelers.

  3. @Tom

    Some evolutionary biologist will someday look at it and come up with another Darwin golden moment: these creatures evolved from Rocky Mountain Oysters (he’s heard of them) when Colorado was covered in an ocean. Then the ocean dried up due to ancient volcanoes and a huge meteor impact and the crabs all died off. He’ll conclude, against all evidence that the crab must be a fossil because how could a crab swim all the way to Colorado from the Atlantic or Pacific ocean? Brilliant!

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