Doug Ross has a “Cynical conspiracy theory” on why Jeb Bush is running for president even though he thinks he has zero chance of winning.
jeb bush
Read the article here, and then tell me why YOU think Jeb Bush is running.





  1. Why is JEB running?
    He’s being paid to run, as outlined above.
    He’s the dynasty’s hat trick.
    He’s a rebel: mama want’s him NOT to run.
    He caught the bug (it’s good to be the king) in Tallahassee.

  2. I’d say Doug has it right. There’s no earthly reason for him to run other than to advance an agenda which is negative. He’s no conservative; the Bush name is essentially radioactive; his stances on the issues are essentially those of the DNC. The only reason I can see, other than ego, is so the agenda of not necessarily the Chamber of Crony Capitalism is advanced, but, perhaps of those who believe that United States sovereignty needs to be eliminated. I doubt that it would have to be George Soros, nor the CFR or the Trilateralists or Bilderbergers–don’t want to sound TOO conspiracy-minded–but SOMEONE, or a group of someones, wants a no-choice choice in 2016 and is putting Jebbie up against the Hildebeast.

    George H.W. Bush’s father had some rather shady connections, and GHWB was a very committed internationalist. They say the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, and Jeb may be more like his father than GW was. His wife is Mexican, and he’s spoken the language of open borders and reduced sovereignty for years. His support of Common Core, which is internationalist in nature, is very disturbing. All I can see, especially after reading Doug’s piece, is that Jeb is trying to hide his actual positions…open borders, amnesty, more involvement in US domestic policy by outside groups and individuals…things that are VERY destructive to the Constitution, individual liberty and our future as a (semi, since 1933) free people.

    And I sure as hell don’t like the implications of it.

  3. He speaks Spanish and that is magical to the RINO latinophiles. Why, I don’t know. It won’t help him a bit to say stupid things in Spanish, and the MSM will easily twist his supposed linguistic advantage into a negative.

    And it’s not like he’ll be squaring off against a Dem candidate who speaks Spanish. Julian Castro, the figurehead San Antonio mayor who is being touted as presidential material, does not speak Spanish, even though his momma founded La Raza.

    Plus, American latino voters are notoriously absent from the polls on election day. Running a chubby guy with a goofy American accent to his Spanish is not going to wake them from their siestas.

  4. While I would not discount “conspiracy” of any sort where Bush/Clinton/Obola are concerned, the first call is always “FOLLOW THE MONEY!”
    For those intimately connected to their (or their family’s) party machines (and their money streams) there is ENORMOUS money/influence in even unsuccessful presidential runs.
    Romney/Bush/Clinton/’Bammy and etc. have connections and access and ways to hide their supporters and the destinations of all of that “campaign money”.

  5. This is typical of aging women….tell them not to do something and by God they want to do it.
    Jeb Bush/Brenda Jenner 2016. The ladies choice
    I think maybe a petition is in order.
    5 million names.

    I’m starting to think maybe it’s time to vote Libertarian.
    I kid of course. He ain’t that bad.

  6. History. Ego. Money. Greed. Forever in the history books as the family who had three, father and two sons, as president of the USA. Hillary and Bill’s objective is similar; first husband and wife. These are people aspiring to immortality on every and any ones backs.

  7. He is the face of the biggest lie in America – that there are opposing parties to choose from on the National stage.

    That is why the TEA Party is hated by the Establishment Rs.

    They bust this lie.

    His Dad even told us it was the beginning of a New World Order when Saddam was kicked out of Kuwait.

    Don’t tell me it was a just a co-incidence he said that.


    Left? Right? Two wings – one party.

    One goal.

    TEA Party is the only chance, as I see it.

  8. This will come down to Jeb and some other more horrifying (Hellary) candidate, at that point who do you vote for? They will give no choice other than not to vote.
    This is all by design.

  9. How powerless we the people seem to feel. “They” can’t make us vote for Bush. We can get off our sofas and think for ourselves AND STOP SENDING MONEY TO THE REPUBLICAN PARTY!

    Bush is a shill, just as Hillary was against OBAMA.

  10. Anonymous — If you haven’t noticed, the base no longer donates. That’s why they disregard us. They rely on the donor class, like the Chamber.

    I think Doug’s theory is as good as any.

    Jeb running gives new meaning to the Bush family creed: No child left behind.

  11. It’s a shame that Mitten’s dropped out. I would have LOVED to see him, Jeb, John McCain, Lindsay Graham, and a dozen other moderate RINOs fill up the primaries, while conservatives – who have finally learned what happens when you dilute your choices – gather behind ONE candidate and put them in the White House.

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