Why Is This Not Being Shouted From the Rooftops At CNN? They’ve Found Russian Collusion!!!!! – IOTW Report

Why Is This Not Being Shouted From the Rooftops At CNN? They’ve Found Russian Collusion!!!!!

CNN has found what they are looking for. Why is this not wall to wall 24/7/365?

12 Comments on Why Is This Not Being Shouted From the Rooftops At CNN? They’ve Found Russian Collusion!!!!!

  1. I posted about this several weeks ago, referencing Alek Boyd, a Venezuelan journalist who’s been sounding the alarm on Fusion GPS for several years now. So in addition to contracting with Russia to cause disruption in the US, they’re complicit in the current demise of Venezuela.
    This is a condensed read, and 2 named in the article actually provided documentation & written statements as evidence for the committee.


  2. I really don’t care if any of the networks report it as long as Mueller does something with it and/or Congress wakes up and starts taking some action. My idealism died long ago, however. The truth is only convenient when it benefits the people in power, which obviously isn’t the Republicans.

  3. GOPe obliged the Dems yesterday, allowing them to block Browder’s testimony by using parliamentary bullshit to run away. And the sick thing is that the Dems used the GOP healthcare fail to do it. I guess poor Lindsey could only delay the inevitable, though. Between this and the DWS/DNC/Awan scandal, the MSM has a lot of unraveling threads to ignore.

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