Why Jesus Would Not Appreciate the Left – IOTW Report

Why Jesus Would Not Appreciate the Left


ht/ bitterclinger

6 Comments on Why Jesus Would Not Appreciate the Left

  1. Monty; in that verse he does not mean that they will succeed. The point is that the humble will be rewarded after the end of times. That is why the word ‘inherit’ is used. Everybody has to die before they get it.
    Jesus understood that there are many good hearted people who, through being poor of spirit or other means are incapable of doing significant good works. He wanted them to know that they were not diminished in the eyes of God due to their circumstance.
    Jesus never commanded that we be weak. In fact he commanded the exact opposite, including the requirement that we go about armed.

  2. You can’t blame people for not catching a reference from 37 years ago. A bit of road has run under the tires since then.
    isn’t that the one where the Lewinsky went bad in a big way?

  3. the next time a libtard quotes the bible for their social spending I would love to hear someone scream “separation of church and state” and then move all social spending to be cut because it is based in “Judaeo/Christian values”.

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