Why KY’s Democrat Governor Had To Apologize to This Man Waiting on Unemployment Benefits – IOTW Report

Why KY’s Democrat Governor Had To Apologize to This Man Waiting on Unemployment Benefits

Townhall: Kentucky’s Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear has had his highs and lows. I’m sure no one took kindly to the fact that he ordered police to take down the license tags of parishioners who were out celebrating their Easter service. He then held a presser, where he called out those who were trying to defraud the unemployment benefits system by filing under false names, like Tupac Shakur. 

“We had somebody apply for unemployment for Tupac Shakur here in Kentucky, and that person may have thought they were being funny, they probably did. Except for the fact that because of them, we had to go through so many other claims,” said the governor.  

Well, the problem is that there is a man named Tupac Shakur in the state. He’s real, and he’s waiting on those benefits. MORE HERE

11 Comments on Why KY’s Democrat Governor Had To Apologize to This Man Waiting on Unemployment Benefits

  1. “… and he’s waiting on those benefits …”

    Waiting on a hand-out.
    That’s so sad.

    Bet he still had money for Mad Dog 20-20 and cigarettes. Or weed.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. …remember that time Spike Lee doxxed an elderly man named George Zimmerman because he thought it was a DIFFERENT George Zimmerman that he wanted to motivate racial attacks against, and that man and his wife had to leave their house to keep from being murdered?

    I do.

    Remember that time that Spike Lee had to PAY for inciting violence against people for no reason?

    I don’t.

    …Democrats go off half-cocked and do stuff like this ALL the time because, feelz, but the NEVER pay for it…


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