Why Leftists Are Such Miserable Bastards During the Holidays – IOTW Report

Why Leftists Are Such Miserable Bastards During the Holidays

PJ Media

‘Tis the season to be a lonely, hateful stain on humanity if you’re a bolshie.

I’ve made no secret that I used to be a New York City liberal. I know how they think. I know their motivations. They are tragically unhappy people, victims of their own victimhood. Most importantly they hate you for enjoying the holidays. Let’s laugh at them as we have some Christmas fun! More

11 Comments on Why Leftists Are Such Miserable Bastards During the Holidays

  1. No shit Sherlock. Resentment is all they have. They get no sympathy from me, they knowingly and willingly signed up for it. Pity is the best I have to offer the miserable sonsabitches.

  2. I often think about their unrepentant soul, and they do not care. I can’t wrap my brain around how liberals think, I only see what they do and that’s abhorrent enough. Scarier if we really want to know what they think. Some liberals are good at hiding who they are, but eventually they slip up, and we’re embarrassed that we support5ed them at one time.

  3. Sometimes I feel like I’m soooo down & life’s such a shithole. Then I come here read some comments & say ain’t this a wonderful life god these people are miserable & my life taint so bad. Thank you.

  4. I don’t believe that Liberals ever get past the top 20 Christmas songs that get played ad infinitum or the decorations and sales. That’s not where the values of Christmas are. That is the surface stuff, the toppings and the frosting on the cake. The real values of Christmas are in looking at a Christmas tree and remembering Christmases past with family that is no longer around, or attending a Christmas mass and putting yourself in the moment with the carols and the scripture and the simplicity of simply appreciating something greater than just your life! Appreciating people whose lives were richer than ours even though they had none of the material things we have today! Christmas is not all about the number of toys under the tree or the dollars spent. “The Gift of the Magi” was not about the presents, but rather about the love that motivates them… something that I just don’t see the shallow souls of Liberals understanding.

  5. @Goldenfoxx December 18, 2022 at 5:21 pm

    “I often think about their unrepentant soul, and they do not care. I can’t wrap my brain around how liberals think,”

    Look up “Jordan Peterson demon”. After listening to a few, you’ll begin to see both yourself (but you already know this about yourself), and them (and thus, what they’ve never thought deeply enough to understand about themselves).

    For me, it’s frightening how close I am to becoming the demon; be ever vigilant lest the beast within be unleashed.*

    *This response may or may not have anything to do with recent experiences that make me fearful of myself and cause me to redouble my efforts to constrain.

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