Why National Review Missed the Mark – IOTW Report

Why National Review Missed the Mark

Breitbart’s John Nolte explains why National Review’s coordinated attempt to end Donald Trump’s presidential run landed with such a resounding thud.



22 Comments on Why National Review Missed the Mark

  1. “National Review isn’t hurting Trump, like a Keystone Cop, National Review is stepping directly into his well-honed anti-establishment narrative.”


  2. Beat me to it. They who attempt Serious Analysis and Profound Proclamations and who then include Beck in the panel have shot themselves in their feet.

    With a howitzer.
    And a minigun.
    And the 30mm cannon they put in the Warthog.

    There’s a particularly good word for the NR effort: fatuous.

  3. This attack by the “smart” people just pushed trump up 3-5 points.

    Personalnote; My dad was a used car salesman. He would say “Jimmy, the easiest people to fool are the ones that ‘think’ they are smart.”

    I’ve never found that pearl of wisdom wrong…EVER. The NR in the bubble “conservatives” think they are very smart.

  4. I can tell you as a builder, a father and husband, a rules-follower and a tax-milk cow for the corrupt, broken American machine, trying like hell to make it out here in Chicagoland for the last eight years under the weight of all of the burdensome federal and local BS, not to mention in a wrecked economy that, despite what our betters would have you believe, has NEVER recovered, well…

    If we achieve nothing more than tearing the establishment class a new sphincter and making them as miserable as they’ve made us, via our own personal pitbull and wrecking-ball, Donald J. Trump, then I’ll do that gladly.

    Payback is a bitch, as they will soon learn the hard way.

  5. I never trusted Any media. Like Wikipedia, if it’s non-nonchalance historical facts that can be verified by empirical evidence, I’ll listen. If it’s opinionated bloviating, not so much (sorry BFH, I hate that phrase too.)

  6. these media hucksters are just like sharpton & jackson
    they need to create division – it’s how they get paid
    make lowry, will, chuck K, kristol, o’reilly, etc. take a lie detector test, I would bet everyone of these media whores voted for preezy obutthole

  7. One minor nit to pick. I take objection that Mr Nolte is calling the NR “gang” conservatives. He needs to call them what they are, GOPe RINOs. Not the same as a TEA party conservative.

  8. It takes a lot of nerve to blame your failure on how your plan was executed. Their message was heard alright. It was simply rejected because it wasn’t the shiny bright bullet they thought it was. it’s enough to know they feel, if even for a couple days, the depths of impotent outrage Americans have been feeling Monday through Sunday, every week since 2008.

    Czar of D posted this response earlier today, it’s a must see response from a woman from Texas who heard it as clearly as any of us:


    I know she speaks for me and mine, anyway.

  9. I can give the Trump campaign ten poll points. Have him walk out on the stage of his next rally with fifteen lawyers. Introduce them as the Special Prosecutors that will be going after high level government employees, Reps and Senators who have violated their oaths and committed crimes against the constitution.

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