Why Not? – IOTW Report

Why Not?


20 Comments on Why Not?

  1. Let me posit a question for all IOTW: Now that the US Swimming association is telling us we have to accept the gender that someone identifies as, for all swimming competition, what happens when the WBA is infiltrated with men who were not quite good enough to play on NBA team and start replacing the women on the team? Will libs heads explode?

  2. A lot better than 1%,

    The NBA is a great example – profit sharing, salary caps, free agency, collective bargaining – and all of it has been great for the league and all involved.

    Good for you for proving Bernie’s point.


  3. OK I’ll say it. I’ve supported Ted Cruz all along because I like him. Donald Trump didn’t ask for support. that’s his thing. I like Donald and I support him.
    I vote tomorrow in New York.
    Eeeneey, mineemy, mineey, moe.

  4. There was a bunch of us one morning having coffee at about 10 am and Trump came through Trump Towers when it was under construction. It was a walk thru, with all the contractors, Trump waved at us and yelled. “you’re killing me”. He was joking. He’s a really good guy in my books. Attack me if you will, but that is how I judge people.

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