Why she ripped up those papers… – IOTW Report

Why she ripped up those papers…

ht/ nm


21 Comments on Why she ripped up those papers…

  1. “A manifesto of mistruths” ??

    Yet when an attention craved lunatic writes one and then shoots up a school his manifesto is regarded as accurate and truthful and a paraded all around to push a left agenda.

    What a goofy bitch.

  2. The man is a master troll. No other Republican politician would have been able to pull off what he has with regard to goading them. He has the progs so confused right about now that they couldn’t tell ya’ if they are afoot or on horseback right about now.

    The big problem they have is that they have been using the same old tattered and worn, dogeared playbook for the last fifty years and Donald Trump is not a guy whose next move can be calculated. What eRepublicans do not recognize is that they too have been using their own tattered and worn, dogeared playbook for the last fifty years and the Democrats have had their number for 49 of those years.

    I’m not one to give The President advice, but if it were me I would send her a twitter letting her know that she is in time out.


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